Neighbor Rosicky Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Neighbor Rosicky Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Part 1

1. In the beginning of "Neighbor Rosicky", to whom is Rosicky talking
(a) Rudolph.
(b) The butcher.
(c) His wife.
(d) Dr. Burleigh.

2. Rosicky thinks his heart is fine but that he has a little of what?
(a) Chicken Pox.
(b) Asthma.
(c) The flu.
(d) Headaches.

3. Rosicky claims he was short of breath doing what last summer?
(a) Birthing a cow.
(b) Pitching hay.
(c) Shearing sheep.
(d) Shelling corn.

4. How old is Rosicky?
(a) Sixty.
(b) Seventy.
(c) Fifty-five.
(d) Sixty-five.

5. How many boys does Rosicky have?
(a) Three.
(b) Four.
(c) Five.
(d) Two.

6. What shape are Rosicky's eyes?
(a) Triangular.
(b) Oval.
(c) Circular.
(d) Trapezoidal.

7. What does Rosicky have that is long and brown?
(a) A cigar.
(b) A rake.
(c) Hair.
(d) A mustache.

8. What does Rosicky ask the doctor for instead of pills for his bad heart?
(a) Some coffee.
(b) A pipe.
(c) A pacemaker.
(d) A new heart.

9. What has the doctor never been able to separate a Bohemian from?
(a) Their farm.
(b) Their coffee or pipe.
(c) Their family.
(d) Their crops and animals.

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