Nectar in a Sieve Test | Final Test - Easy

Kamala Purnaiya Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nectar in a Sieve Test | Final Test - Easy

Kamala Purnaiya Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During the drought, Rukmani takes the food she has available and then divides their food into serving portions. How many days' worth of food do they have?
(a) 4.
(b) 36.
(c) 24.
(d) 12.

2. Chapter 18 opens with Rukmani going into town to sell some of her vegetables. Who does she now refuse to sell to?
(a) Janaki.
(b) Old Granny.
(c) Biswas.
(d) Kunthi.

3. When Rukmani learns that her son has been killed, what does she also learn he has been accused of?
(a) Stealing wages.
(b) Stealing rice.
(c) Stealing a bullock.
(d) Stealing a calf skin.

4. What does Rukmani use for the first time at the doctor's house?
(a) A telephone.
(b) A latrine.
(c) A lamp.
(d) An electric stove.

5. During which season is Ira's child born?
(a) Winter.
(b) Summer.
(c) Fall.
(d) Spring.

6. When Rukmani goes to the river to wash Ira's garment, what does she find in the garment's folds?
(a) A writing tablet.
(b) A coconut frond.
(c) A rupee.
(d) A bundle of rice.

7. Which one of Nathan's sons has no skill for farming?
(a) Arjun.
(b) Selvam.
(c) Kuti.
(d) Thambi.

8. When they leave the village, who are Rukmani and Nathan planning to live with?
(a) Thambi.
(b) Murugan.
(c) Kenny.
(d) Arjun.

9. When the bullock drops Rukmani and Nathan off in the city, how far are they from Koil Road?
(a) One mile.
(b) Fifteen miles.
(c) Three miles.
(d) Ten miles.

10. After the conversation with Biswas in the village, what does Rukmani buy for Kenny?
(a) A garland.
(b) A new shirt.
(c) A bundle of rice.
(d) A new hat.

11. On their first night in the city, what happens while Rukmani and Nathan are eating their dinner?
(a) They decide to return to their village.
(b) Nathan falls ill.
(c) Murugan finds them.
(d) Their belongings are stolen.

12. Why does Kunthi come Rukmani's house during the drought?
(a) She is lonely and needs an old friend.
(b) She is afraid for her sons in Ceylon.
(c) She demands some of Rukmani's rice.
(d) She is selling some of her clothing for food.

13. While still living in the city, who do Rukmani and Nathan entrust their money to while they go to work each day?
(a) Ammu.
(b) Puli.
(c) The overseer.
(d) Janaki.

14. Who does Rukmani actually find in the house?
(a) Kali.
(b) Kunthi.
(c) Ira.
(d) Janaki.

15. Who do Nathan and Rukmani meet at the Collector's house?
(a) The Collector himself.
(b) Kenny's former wife.
(c) The tannery's overseer.
(d) Their son's wife.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rukmani tell her family regarding Puli?

2. When Rukmani reaches Nathan's village, who comes running to meet Rukmani?

3. Which of Rukmani's sons is killed at the beginning of Chapter 15?

4. Where is Nathan when he dies?

5. How many annas do Nathan and Rukmani earn from the overseer where they are working in the city?

(see the answer keys)

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