Nectar in a Sieve Test | Final Test - Easy

Kamala Purnaiya Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nectar in a Sieve Test | Final Test - Easy

Kamala Purnaiya Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does it actually take to complete the hospital?
(a) Seven months.
(b) Two years.
(c) Twenty-nine months.
(d) Seven years.

2. After their first night in the city, what do Rukmani and Nathan own?
(a) Their clothes and their mats.
(b) The clothes they are wearing.
(c) Their mats, their clothes, and three rupees.
(d) Three rupees and their clothes.

3. Which of Rukmani's sons actually dies from starvation?
(a) Arjun.
(b) Thambi.
(c) Kuti.
(d) Selvam.

4. Chapter 18 opens with Rukmani going into town to sell some of her vegetables. Who does she now refuse to sell to?
(a) Old Granny.
(b) Biswas.
(c) Kunthi.
(d) Janaki.

5. When they leave the village, who are Rukmani and Nathan planning to live with?
(a) Arjun.
(b) Thambi.
(c) Kenny.
(d) Murugan.

6. While still living in the city, who do Rukmani and Nathan entrust their money to while they go to work each day?
(a) Puli.
(b) Ammu.
(c) The overseer.
(d) Janaki.

7. How much money do Rukmani and Nathan leave the village with?
(a) Twenty rupees.
(b) Three rupees.
(c) Ten rupees.
(d) Sixteen rupees.

8. As Rukmani's family is waiting for the next harvest, even the fish becomes depleted. What does Rukmani do to feed her family?
(a) She turns to prostitution.
(b) She picks and cooks twigs and berries.
(c) She works for Kenny.
(d) She draws upon her secret hoard.

9. Who, besides his mother, accepts Sacrabani unconditionally?
(a) Rukmani.
(b) Ira.
(c) Selvam.
(d) Nathan.

10. When Rukmani and Nathan have almost earned enough money to return home, what does Rukmani buy from the vendor in celebration?
(a) Extra rice.
(b) Fried pancakes.
(c) Plantains.
(d) Sugar whirls.

11. Who comes to the farm to collect the rent?
(a) Janaki.
(b) Sivaji.
(c) Kunthi.
(d) Biswas.

12. Who is Brila?
(a) The priest at the temple.
(b) The boy who leads them to the couple.
(c) The social worker who gives them shelter.
(d) The doctor their son works for.

13. In order to pay their rent, what is Rukmani forced to sell?
(a) Her red sari.
(b) Her new dress.
(c) Ira's new dowry.
(d) Her mother's ring.

14. Which one of Nathan's sons has no skill for farming?
(a) Selvam.
(b) Kuti.
(c) Thambi.
(d) Arjun.

15. Who does Rukmani try to sell her clothing to in order to raise enough money for rent?
(a) Sivaji.
(b) Kunthi.
(c) Kali.
(d) Biswas.

Short Answer Questions

1. Shortly after Sacrabani's birth, something happens to Nathan for the first time. What is it?

2. In order to earn enough money to return to their village, Nathan and Rukmani continue to work in the city in spite of the rain that begins to fall. How many days in a row does it rain?

3. When Rukmani and Puli return to the temple after their shopping extravaganza, what does Rukmani realize?

4. At the beginning of Chapter 17, Nathan and Rukmani harvest their crop. What kind of harvest do they have?

5. One night, Rukmani awakens to hear footsteps in her house. Who does Rukmani fear is in her house?

(see the answer keys)

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