Nectar in a Sieve Test | Final Test - Easy

Kamala Purnaiya Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nectar in a Sieve Test | Final Test - Easy

Kamala Purnaiya Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much money do Rukmani and Nathan leave the village with?
(a) Three rupees.
(b) Sixteen rupees.
(c) Ten rupees.
(d) Twenty rupees.

2. Ira and Sacrabani stay behind in the village. Who will they live with?
(a) Biswas.
(b) Kali.
(c) Kunthi.
(d) Selvam.

3. What does Ira tell Sacrabani about his father?
(a) That he is away and will come to them when he can.
(b) That he is married to another woman.
(c) That he is dead.
(d) That he doesn't want them.

4. Which of Rukmani's sons is killed at the beginning of Chapter 15?
(a) Thambi.
(b) Raja.
(c) Kuti.
(d) Arjun.

5. After their first night in the city, what do Rukmani and Nathan own?
(a) Their clothes and their mats.
(b) Their mats, their clothes, and three rupees.
(c) The clothes they are wearing.
(d) Three rupees and their clothes.

6. Nathan and Rukmani's guide tells them of a better way to earn money in the city. Where does he tell them to go?
(a) To the inn.
(b) To the stone quarry.
(c) To the neighboring city.
(d) To the Collector's house.

7. What does Rukmani use for the first time at the doctor's house?
(a) An electric stove.
(b) A telephone.
(c) A latrine.
(d) A lamp.

8. Which one of Nathan's sons has no skill for farming?
(a) Thambi.
(b) Selvam.
(c) Arjun.
(d) Kuti.

9. What does Rukmani talk Nathan out of selling?
(a) Their pots and pans.
(b) The next season's seed.
(c) Their wedding clothes.
(d) Their bullocks.

10. Who does Rukmani try to sell her clothing to in order to raise enough money for rent?
(a) Biswas.
(b) Kali.
(c) Sivaji.
(d) Kunthi.

11. What does Kenny recommend that Nathan needs to eat when he is ill in order to regain his strength?
(a) Butter and rice.
(b) Wheat and barley.
(c) Milk and vegetables.
(d) Rice and vegetables.

12. How does Rukmani first earn money when she and Nathan are in the city?
(a) Cleaning homes.
(b) Begging.
(c) Writing letters.
(d) Prostitution.

13. When Rukmani and Puli return to the temple after their shopping extravaganza, what does Rukmani realize?
(a) They have more money saved than she thought.
(b) Puli is stealing from them.
(c) The temple is no longer safe.
(d) Nathan is ill with a fever.

14. When they reach the doctor's house where their son works, what are Rukmani and Nathan told by the servants?
(a) Murugan is away with the doctor.
(b) Murugan does not work there anymore.
(c) Murugan has died.
(d) Murugan is ill.

15. After Rukmani turns in her stones and has been paid, she notices a group of people on the side of the road. Why have the people stopped?
(a) A cart is stuck in the mud.
(b) Nathan has fallen.
(c) The road has given way.
(d) The rocks have slid into the road.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Old Granny's body found?

2. How long does it actually take to complete the hospital?

3. When Rukmani goes to Kenny's house to visit with him in Chapter 18, what news does Rukmani learn?

4. When Rukmani and Nathan have almost earned enough money to return home, what does Rukmani buy from the vendor in celebration?

5. On their first night in the city, what happens while Rukmani and Nathan are eating their dinner?

(see the answer keys)

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