Nectar in a Sieve Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kamala Purnaiya Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nectar in a Sieve Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kamala Purnaiya Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rukmani find while tending her small garden?
(a) A rat.
(b) A cobra.
(c) A spider.
(d) A rabbit.

2. What is the village doctor's name?
(a) Biswas.
(b) Archibold.
(c) Indira.
(d) Kennington.

3. At the beginning of Chapter 4, what news does Arjun bring to the family?
(a) Hundreds of strange men have come into the village.
(b) He is leaving the village.
(c) His brother has been killed.
(d) He is getting married.

4. Even though Rukmani has to sell her vegetables in the village, the family is still grateful. Why?
(a) They are held in high regard in the village.
(b) They are building a bigger house.
(c) They have enough to eat.
(d) They are getting wealthy off of the vegetable sales.

5. After the monsoon, what does the family gather when they drain the rice terraces?
(a) Fish.
(b) Fresh soil.
(c) Leaves for the roof repairs.
(d) Worms.

6. What does Nathan do ten days after the birth of his son?
(a) Has the child circumsized.
(b) Offers sacrifices to the fertility gods.
(c) Baptizes his son.
(d) Holds a celebratory feast.

7. Why does Nathan accept the decision of his sons to leave for Ceylon?
(a) Nathan cannot afford to keep feeding his sons.
(b) They have been nothing but trouble since starting work at the tannery.
(c) They are men now and have made their decision.
(d) They are paying Nathan to let them go.

8. How much money is in Ira's dowry?
(a) One thousand rupees.
(b) Three hundred rupees.
(c) Fifty rupees.
(d) One hundred rupees.

9. As the waters rise from the monsoon rains, what does Nathan admit to his family?
(a) The new crops were not planted before the rains came.
(b) The large amounts of rain will ensure a great crop.
(c) There will not be enough to eat for the coming year.
(d) The hut will not survive until monsoon season ends.

10. At the beginning of Chapter 11, why does Nathan leave the village?
(a) He is going to attend a relative's funeral.
(b) He is going to the city to buy new rice seed.
(c) He is searching for a new husband for Ira.
(d) He is searching for Arjun.

11. Who does Rukmani trust to find a suitable husband for Ira?
(a) Old Granny.
(b) Kunthi.
(c) Kenny.
(d) Kali.

12. How old is Rukmani when she marries Nathan?
(a) Twelve.
(b) Twenty.
(c) Eighteen.
(d) Fourteen.

13. When the villagers learn that Rukmani can write, there are mixed reactions. Which one of the villagers marvels at Rukmani's writing skill?
(a) Kali.
(b) Biswas.
(c) Janaki.
(d) Kunthi.

14. Ira's husband wants to divorce Ira. Why?
(a) Ira is too learned.
(b) Ira is barren.
(c) Ira is not a good enough housekeeper.
(d) Ira is too strong-willed.

15. When Rukmani complains to the other women about the village's expansion and its resulting noise, Kunthi insults her. What does Kunthi call Rukmani?
(a) An ignorant woman.
(b) A scared little girl.
(c) A backward child.
(d) A village girl.

Short Answer Questions

1. When her parents restrict her freedom, what is Ira's reaction?

2. While the local shops struggle, one business flourishes. Which business is doing just fine?

3. When Arjun and Thambi leave for Ceylon, what is Rukmani afraid of?

4. Why does Rukmani go into the village once or twice a week?

5. Why does Rukmani begin selling her vegetables to Biswas instead of to Old Granny?

(see the answer keys)

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