Necessary Targets Test | Final Test - Easy

Eve Ensler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Necessary Targets Test | Final Test - Easy

Eve Ensler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Scene 7 opens, which woman is crying?
(a) Nuna.
(b) Jelena.
(c) Azra.
(d) Seada.

2. What was Seada holding when she ran from her house?
(a) Her baby.
(b) A knife.
(c) Her shoes.
(d) Laundry.

3. What is it that J.S. tells Azra she wouldn't forget about her?
(a) Her voice.
(b) Her talent for sewing.
(c) Her face.
(d) Her excellent cooking.

4. Who approaches Seada outside and frightens her?
(a) J.S.
(b) Azra.
(c) Melissa.
(d) Jelena.

5. What does Zlata say Bosnia was at the very end of Scene 16?
(a) Safe.
(b) Paradise.
(c) Home.
(d) Beautiful.

6. Who did Dad have to watch get carved with a knife?
(a) His father.
(b) His son.
(c) His mother.
(d) His brother.

7. Which woman asks J.S. why she doesn't like them?
(a) Seada.
(b) Azra.
(c) Nuna.
(d) Zlata.

8. In Scene 10, what does Azra say she is waiting for?
(a) Quiet.
(b) To die.
(c) Fresh fruit.
(d) To be able to paint.

9. What does J.S. notice about the ointment?
(a) It's cool.
(b) It stings.
(c) It's green.
(d) It smells minty.

10. What does Melissa say is not her verb?
(a) Go.
(b) Dream.
(c) Do.
(d) Write.

11. What does J.S. say she has learned a lot about on her trip?
(a) Success.
(b) Anti-depressants.
(c) Mistakes.
(d) Eating disorders.

12. What illness does Zlata tell J.S. she has?
(a) Poison ivy.
(b) Measles.
(c) Heat rash.
(d) Chicken pox.

13. Who leaves the room when the women start telling Seada's story?
(a) Nuna.
(b) Seada.
(c) Jelena.
(d) Zlata.

14. What is the name of Azra's cow?
(a) Tessa.
(b) Clover.
(c) Bessie.
(d) Blossom.

15. What did J.S. want to do when she was younger?
(a) Write a novel.
(b) Learn to fly.
(c) Dance.
(d) Sing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What symptom did Melissa used to have?

2. What hospital unit did Zlata head before the war?

3. What word does Nuna use that Zlata objects to?

4. What does J.S. hear Melissa doing at the beginning of Scene 15?

5. What was Azra carrying when she was forced from her home?

(see the answer keys)

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