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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Viorst references The World According to Garp and a mishearing of this term by a child.
(a) Undertow.
(b) Earthquake.
(c) Thunder.
(d) Tsunami.
2. According to Chapter 12, growing up involves giving up what illusion?
(a) That our parents are perfect.
(b) That death is inevitable.
(c) That friendship is infallible.
(d) That the universe revolves around us.
3. Simone de Beauvoir once said, "Old age is life's ___________."
(a) Final act.
(b) Parody.
(c) Cruel joke.
(d) Swan song.
4. What is the name of the son in Death of a Salesman that Viorst uses as an example of the restricting roles some parents foist on their children?
(a) William.
(b) Biff.
(c) Jonathan.
(d) Jeff.
5. What is it called when someone keeps everything just the same after someone dies?
(a) Museumification.
(b) Untouched grief.
(c) Mummification.
(d) Creepy.
6. Who else, besides mothers, links separation and danger?
(a) Nannies.
(b) Aunts.
(c) Fathers.
(d) Grandmothers.
7. Who was Viorst describing when she said they fought death like a championship game?
(a) Her husband, Cecil.
(b) Her sister, Lois.
(c) Her friend, Ruth.
(d) Her mother.
8. Intimate male-female relationships are rare because of what?
(a) Women would just rather talk to other women.
(b) Socially unacceptable norms.
(c) The adultery factor.
(d) The sexual tension.
9. Who was the psychologist who said that marriage requires "a wise balancing of love and hate"?
(a) Israel Charny.
(b) Chad Goodwin.
(c) America Ferrera.
(d) Sigmund Freud.
10. According to a psychologist in Chapter 13, husbands and wives are each other's what?
(a) Greatest lovers.
(b) Coping mechanism.
(c) Best friends.
(d) Intimate enemies.
11. What is the key achievement of mid-life according to Viorst?
(a) Getting the children out of the house.
(b) Uniting ourselves with reality and achieving balance.
(c) Moving our parents to a nursing home.
(d) Letting loose and exploring unfulfilled dreams.
12. What are the names of Viorst's three sons?
(a) Anthony, Nicholas, and Alexander
(b) Shannon, Scott, and Brian
(c) Tony, John, and Robert
(d) Michael, William, and Henry
13. What does the father in the poem referenced in Chapter 14 finally conclude?
(a) That he can indeed protect his children.
(b) That he must let his children go.
(c) That he never should have had children.
(d) That his children will just grow up and go away.
14. What is the name of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross's highly influential book?
(a) Death Comes for the Archbishop.
(b) The Last Cattle Call.
(c) O, Death, Be Mine.
(d) On Death and Dying.
15. What famous author's memoir entitled Speak, Memory does Viorst reference at the end of Chapter 14?
(a) James Joyce
(b) Frank McCourt
(c) Vladimir Nabokov
(d) Leo Tolstoy
Short Answer Questions
1. Viorst contends that our unconscious sexual thoughts toward friends are masked as what?
3. How did Cecil and Julia Saunders die?
4. Which famous author's daughter suddenly died at the age of 24?
5. Which recent development does Viorst think is a positive new step toward good death?
This section contains 513 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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