Necessary Losses Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Necessary Losses Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 12.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Intimate male-female relationships are rare because of what?
(a) The sexual tension.
(b) Socially unacceptable norms.
(c) The adultery factor.
(d) Women would just rather talk to other women.

2. Who said, "To be a man, a woman, an adult, is to accept responsibility"?
(a) Antoine de Saint-Exupery
(b) Jean Valjean
(c) Victor Hugo
(d) Sigmund Freud

3. The title of Chapter 12 lists what?
(a) Types of parenting styles.
(b) Types of adults.
(c) Types of friendships.
(d) Types of teenagers.

4. "It is __________ to grow up."
(a) Exciting.
(b) Fun.
(c) Tough.
(d) Depressing.

5. Escaping to an earlier stage of development in an effort to deal with socially unacceptable feelings toward a new sibling is called what?
(a) Escapism.
(b) Avoidance.
(c) Regression.
(d) Two steps back.

Short Answer Questions

1. Seeing our own feelings as those of the new baby's is known as what?

2. Some primitive tribes have allowed their men to express what sort of envy?

3. Even as adults, according to the author, we still view our mothers as what?

4. The following verse is from what poem? "And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns, About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home, In the sun that is young once only, Time let me play and be..."

5. Sigmund Freud once said, "When you meet a human being, the first distinction you make is ______________?"

(see the answer key)

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