The Natural Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Natural Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What excuse does Memo give for shunning Roy when he was in his slump?
(a) She says she can't stand people who are "blue."
(b) She says she only likes successful people.
(c) She says Pop told her to leave him alone.
(d) She says she was trying to decide between him and Gus.

2. What does Roy think about his ability to play after his stay in the hospital?
(a) He thinks he is out of his slump.
(b) He is sure he is well enough to play.
(c) He is afraid he will pass out.
(d) He thinks he can't even hit the ball.

3. What advice does Memo give Roy to assuage his depression?
(a) To forget about baseball forever.
(b) To go to a fortune teller.
(c) To go back home and visit his family.
(d) To get married to her and let her take care of him.

4. What happens to the relationship between Memo and Roy during his slump?
(a) Their relationship only gets stronger because they love each other.
(b) Memo is no longer interested in him but Roy still desires her.
(c) Roy finds another girlfriend.
(d) Memo is very interested in Roy but he ignores her.

5. Why does the lady tell Roy she stood up in the stands?
(a) So she could see better.
(b) She was looking for Gus.
(c) She was going to leave the game.
(d) To cheer him on because the world needs heroes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who sends Memo to Roy's motel room?

2. How does Roy feel about Iris after he first meets her?

3. What does Roy need that only Iris seems to understand?

4. What happens to Roy after he leaves Iris and returns to Memo?

5. What does Roy do to get even with Max Mercy?

(see the answer keys)

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