The Natural Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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The Natural Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 11.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Memo ride in the night with Roy without using headlights?
(a) They need to conserve the car battery.
(b) They are trying to escape without being noticed.
(c) She hates the light and loves darkness.
(d) She didn't know he had the lights off.

2. What does Pop ask Roy to do after he gets upset with Bump for his poor playing?
(a) He asks him to hit the cover off the ball.
(b) He asks him to bench Bump.
(c) He asks him to make Bump look worse so he could fire him.
(d) He askes him to help coach Bump to improve his plays.

3. Who signs the contract for Roy Hobbs to play for the Knights?
(a) The Judge.
(b) Pop Fisher.
(c) Max Mercy.
(d) Bump Bailey.

4. How do Roy teammates on the Knights treat him?
(a) They pretty much ignore him.
(b) The pull practical jokes and hide his basson case with his bat.
(c) They tell the coach lies about him.
(d) They ask him for advice when he hits well.

5. What does Pop do when he sees Roy and Memo returning to the motel in the morning?
(a) He tells Roy to leave Memo alone and not to go out with her any more.
(b) He fines Roy $100 for not being in his room the night before.
(c) He asks Roy if he and Memo are planning on getting married.
(d) He benches Roy for being out all night.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Memo's reaction to Bump's death tell the reader, given her lack of relationship with him?

2. What does Pop tell Roy about Memo?

3. After Roy gets out of his slump, where do the fans say he belongs?

4. Who is Gus Sands?

5. Why does Max Mercy offer Roy $5000?

(see the answer key)

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