The Natural Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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The Natural Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the Judge's plans for the Knights?
(a) He wants to make the Knights a household word.
(b) He wants to fire Pop and gain ownership.
(c) He wants to sell the team to Roy, but Roy doesn't have the money to buy it.
(d) He wants to promote Roy as his best player.

2. What does Roy's teammates on the Knights think of his special bat?
(a) They tease him because it was handmade.
(b) They insist he use a precision bat from the team's stash.
(c) The are fascinated with it and believe in its magic.
(d) They don't care what kind of bat he uses, as long as he hits.

3. What does Pop tell Roy about Memo?
(a) That he doesn't want Roy to have anything to do with her.
(b) That she only brings bad luck to people.
(c) That she is planning on running away.
(d) That she doesn't love him.

4. What does Roy need that only Iris seems to understand?
(a) To be morally as good as he is as a baseball player.
(b) To go back home to family.
(c) To be the all-time baseball hero.
(d) To have a father figure in his life.

5. What American tendency does Malamud say The Judge and Gus take advantage of?
(a) The tendency to fall for schemes promising quick money.
(b) The tendency to follow one particular ball player.
(c) The tendency to gamble on games.
(d) The tendency to seek a mate at all costs.

Short Answer Questions

1. Roy consistently reaches out for love. Who does he reach out to in the slump before the game in which he pitches?

2. How does Roy feel about playing for the Knights when he first puts on his baseball cap for them?

3. Who signs the contract for Roy Hobbs to play for the Knights?

4. What does Pop do when he sees Roy and Memo returning to the motel in the morning?

5. What does Roy hope to gain by becoming a superhero, the best ball player ever?

(see the answer key)

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