Native Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Native Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bigger tell his friend Gus he could do if he had the chance?
(a) Fly a plane
(b) Rob a bank
(c) Drive a car
(d) Earn a lot of money

2. What kind of relationship does Bigger have with Gus?
(a) It is a volatile relationship
(b) They are half brothers
(c) They are best friends
(d) They are classmates

3. When Bigger when arrives at the Dalton home for his interview, what question plagues him as he stands outside the house?
(a) Whether he should be dressed in nicer clothing.
(b) Whether he should go to the front door or the back.
(c) He's concerned he won't be able to do the job.
(d) He's worried they will dislike him because he is black.

4. What does Bigger realize after Mrs. Dalton leaves Mary's bedroom?
(a) That Mary had a heart attack.
(b) That Mary wanted him to kiss her.
(c) That he is a very lucky young man.
(d) That he killed Mary by smothering her.

5. Who is the owner of the pool hall?
(a) G.L.'s brother
(b) Mr. Dalton
(c) Doc
(d) Jack's father

6. Where does Mary suggest she, Jan and Bigger go to eat?
(a) Ms. Ernie's Rib Shack
(b) Ernie's Kitchen Shack
(c) Ernie's Chicken and Ribs
(d) Ernetsine's Chicken Shack

7. Where does Bigger have a job interview?
(a) At Blum's Delicatessin
(b) At the Dalton's
(c) At the supermarket
(d) At YMCA

8. After Bigger threatens Gus, who prevents him from attacking the other man?
(a) Jack
(b) Vera
(c) Bigger's mom
(d) G. H.

9. How many bedrooms does the Thomas family share?
(a) Four
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three

10. What is different about Bigger and his friend's plan this time?
(a) They will use a car to getaway.
(b) They will use a gun and the person is white.
(c) They will wear the jersey of a vival gang.
(d) They will do it in daylight instead of night.

11. How does Bigger get Mary to her room without disturbing anyone?
(a) He gets Peggy to help
(b) He drags her
(c) He gets her parents to help
(d) He carries her

12. What does Mr. Dalton's company own?
(a) The oldest bank in the city.
(b) A limo service.
(c) The home in the ghetto where Bigger lives.
(d) A construction company.

13. When Peggy gives Bigger dinner, what other job does she tell Bigger he must do?
(a) He will also do lawn work.
(b) He will also wash window.
(c) He will help her in the kitchen.
(d) He will also take care of the furnace.

14. Where does Bigger and Mary take Jan after their evening out?
(a) Home to her house
(b) To Mary's house
(c) To catch the train
(d) To catch a bus

15. Where does Bigger Thomas and his family live?
(a) In the basement of an abandoned building
(b) An apartment in the "Black Belt"
(c) In a condo on the river
(d) A shack along the waterfront

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Mary ask Bigger to pick up after they leave home his first night working for them?

2. What does Bigger do after he puts Mary to bed?

3. What is the title of the first part of the novel?

4. What is the on-going plan Bigger and his friends discuss that morning?

5. The story is set in what decade?

(see the answer keys)

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