Native Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Native Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Bigger and Jack stay for the second movie. What is it about?
(a) Black Americans
(b) Naked native Africans dancing to drums.
(c) Native African's hunting in the jungle
(d) Multi-cultural dances

2. What does Bigger realize after Mrs. Dalton leaves Mary's bedroom?
(a) That he killed Mary by smothering her.
(b) That Mary had a heart attack.
(c) That he is a very lucky young man.
(d) That Mary wanted him to kiss her.

3. On Bigger's first night at work, what does he, Mary and Jan do as they drive around the park?
(a) Drink beer, rum and talk about communism.
(b) Get drunk and read pamphlets
(c) Talk about Mary's upcoming trip.
(d) Drink until they all pass out.

4. What does Mrs. Thomas want Bigger to do to help the family?
(a) Get them a better place to live.
(b) Get a job.
(c) Go to Blum's Delicatessin to get dinner.
(d) Go to the supermarket for rat poison.

5. What does Bigger tell his friend Gus he could do if he had the chance?
(a) Earn a lot of money
(b) Rob a bank
(c) Drive a car
(d) Fly a plane

6. Where is Mary Dalton expected to go on the day after Bigger is hired by her father?
(a) To a communist rally
(b) University
(c) To a union meeting
(d) Detroit

7. What does Bigger daydream about during the second movie?
(a) Learning the secret to "Getting hold of money."
(b) Learning how to invest money and make it grow.
(c) Learning how to overcome race barriers.
(d) Moving out of the ghetto and into the country.

8. Where do Mary and Jan sit in the car?
(a) In the back seat.
(b) In the front seat with Bigger.
(c) The sit in the front and ask Bigger to sit in the back.
(d) The don't, they walk.

9. The story is set in what decade?
(a) 1920's
(b) 1930's
(c) 1940's
(d) 1950's

10. When Bigger when arrives at the Dalton home for his interview, what question plagues him as he stands outside the house?
(a) Whether he should go to the front door or the back.
(b) He's worried they will dislike him because he is black.
(c) He's concerned he won't be able to do the job.
(d) Whether he should be dressed in nicer clothing.

11. Where does Bigger have a job interview?
(a) At YMCA
(b) At the supermarket
(c) At Blum's Delicatessin
(d) At the Dalton's

12. What is wrong with Mary when Bigger takes her home?
(a) She is too drunk to walk.
(b) She wants to go right to Detroit.
(c) She is very sick.
(d) She doesn't want to go home.

13. What is the theme of the movie Bigger and Jack go to see?
(a) The lifestyle of rich white people
(b) That blacks can also be rich
(c) That white people will suffer in the depression
(d) That white's are all communists

14. After Bigger threatens Gus, who prevents him from attacking the other man?
(a) Vera
(b) Bigger's mom
(c) Jack
(d) G. H.

15. Tell whom the lone witness to Bigger's crime is?
(a) Mrs. Dalton
(b) A neighbor peeking out their window
(c) The Dalton's white cat.
(d) Peggy the housekeeper

Short Answer Questions

1. What is different about Bigger and his friend's plan this time?

2. What happens when Bigger puts Mary's body in the trunk?

3. Who does Mary ask Bigger to pick up after they leave home his first night working for them?

4. What is Vera doing at the YWCA?

5. When Mrs. Dalton speaks to Bigger in the kitchen, what surprises him about her?

(see the answer keys)

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