Native Son Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Native Son Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How far did Bigger go in school?
(a) High school
(b) Sixth grade
(c) Eighth grade
(d) Fifth grade

2. What is the on-going plan Bigger and his friends discuss that morning?
(a) Robbing a liquior store
(b) Robbing Blum's Delicatessin
(c) Going to college
(d) Taking classes at the YMCA

3. What goes through Bigger's mind when he hears the music from the church?
(a) He hates the music and can't wait to find another apartment.
(b) He half wishes he was a believer like his mother, but doesn't want to give up his sense of self.
(c) He wishes he could be with his mother.
(d) He hums along, but feeling to peace he gets angry.

4. What happens when Bigger first awakens the morning after the murder?
(a) He tries to sneak out of the house unnoticed.
(b) He remembers everything he did the night before.
(c) He sees his brother, Buddy, staring at him suspiciously.
(d) He doesn't think about what happened the night before.

5. How does Bigger sign the ransom note he has written to Mr. Dalton?
(a) "J. Erlone", with a drawing of a noose
(b) "Better Red than Dead" in red ink
(c) "Red", with a drawing of a noose
(d) "Red", with a drawing of a hammer and sickle

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Mrs. Thomas say Bigger will end up if he doesn't straighten out his life?

2. Why did Bigger go to trial so quickly?

3. When Bigger when arrives at the Dalton home for his interview, what question plagues him as he stands outside the house?

4. Tell whom the lone witness to Bigger's crime is?

5. What does the State's Attorney Buckley get Bigger to do?

(see the answer key)

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