Native Son Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Native Son Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when Britten backs Bigger against the wall and grabs his collar asking him about the pamphlets Jan Erlone gave him?
(a) Mr. Dalton tells Britten that Bigger probably wouldn't even understand the brochures.
(b) Mr. Dalton tells Britten, Bigger probably knows nothing about them and doesn't even know Jan Erlone.
(c) Bigger stares coldly into the eyes of Britten until the man releases him.
(d) Bigger wants to hit the private investigator, but controls the urge.

2. What is Bigger's sentence?
(a) Community service
(b) Death
(c) Life in prison
(d) Probation

3. What happens when Bigger puts Mary's body in the trunk?
(a) It doesn't fit so he rolls her in a carpet.
(b) It doesn't fit so he has to cut her limbs off.
(c) It doesn't fit so he sits on the lid until he can close it.
(d) It doesn't fit so he has to force it inside.

4. What does Bigger keep throwing out of his cell?
(a) His old newspapers
(b) His cigarette buts
(c) His food
(d) A wooden cross

5. What does Bigger think when Mr. Dalton brags about giving ping pong tables to the South Side Boy's Club?
(a) That Mr. Dalton just doesn't understand that what the people really need is social change, not things like ping pong tables.
(b) That Mr. Dalton should give his toys to some other people.
(c) That Mr. Dalton is a shallow and unfeeling.
(d) That Mr. Dalton is a very generous man and he regrets killing the man's daughter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bigger do after the body is finally disposed of?

2. What does Max say is possible if the wealthy don't begin to understand what they are doing to the Negros in America?

3. What happens after Jan Erlone sees Bigger on the street and offers to help him, then invites him out for coffee to talk about the situation?

4. How does Bigger sign the ransom note he has written to Mr. Dalton?

5. How far did Bigger go in school?

(see the answer key)

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