Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Does Henry still have problems speaking English?
2. How many love seats are in Kwang's private room at the bar?
3. What color are the pills Henry takes?
4. Does Henry tell Lelia about the bombing?
5. Who is Katie?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Jack mean by saying that Dennis is not a "doing creature"?
2. How has Kwang changed over the course of the story?
3. Why does Henry decide to not tell Dennis or Jack about who was really behind the bombing?
4. What does the Korean restaurant Henry and Kwang go to look like?
5. Describe Grace.
6. How do Henry and Lelia react to the fire at Kwang's offices?
7. What does Lelia think of the pictures they find in Henry's father's study?
8. Why does Kwang start to call Henry "byong-ho" when they are together?
9. What suspicions does Henry harbor when it comes to Kwang and Sherrie?
10. How does Kwang react to losing Eduardo?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Henry spends a great deal of time remembering things from his childhood. In most cases he recalls something his father did or said. Write an essay that explores Henry's childhood. Did Henry have a "normal" childhood? What are some of the happier moments? What are some of the sadder moments? How old was he when his mother died and what impact did her death have on his life?
Essay Topic 2
Henry and Lelia never shy away from their sexuality. When they make love they are passionate, involved, and dedicated. Write an essay that explores the themes of sex and sexuality within the context of Henry and Lelia's relationship. Why is sex an important part of their relationship? In which instances do they make love? What does their lovemaking process involve? What does their lovemaking signify the first time they do it after Lelia's return from Europe?
Essay Topic 3
One of the prevalent themes in Native Speaker is that of immigration. By the end of the novel it is revealed that many of Kwang's supporters are immigrants. As result many of them are exposed and arrested. Write an essay that explores the theme of immigration within the context of the plot. What stance does Henry take on immigration? Does he support the idea of immigrants coming into the country and taking jobs? What are his opinions when it comes to immigrants starting their own businesses in the poorer neighborhoods of New York?
This section contains 812 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |