Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How far away is the mayoral election when Henry first visits Flushing?
2. Which of the following is Henry good at writing?
3. What does Janice do when she finds out about John Kwang's secret?
4. What is Henry's nickname for Lelia?
5. Who is Mitt?
Short Essay Questions
1. Describe Janice's disposition and way of dress.
2. Describe Henry's occupation.
3. In what manner did Henry's father run his businesses when he was alive?
4. What caused Mitt's death?
5. What happened to Lelia while she was in Europe?
6. Describe Dennis Hoagland.
7. Describe the mystery woman Henry's father brought from Korea.
8. What is Henry's response when he is asked about his profession?
9. Describe Henry's father.
10. How did Henry and Lelia react to their son's death?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Henry is a character who internally struggles with his identity. Is he American or Korean? He can never fully answer the question. Write an essay that explores the struggles Henry goes through as he attempts to discover his racial identity. Where did Henry's struggle with identity begin? Who is at fault for the way he views himself? Did his father and mother ever question their identities or Korean heritage?
Essay Topic 2
Infidelity can be found in several different cases throughout Native Speaker. In each case the discretion is handled and resolved differently. Write an essay that explores the theme of infidelity as it is presented in Native Speaker. Which characters cheat on their significant other? When do they cheat? What is the result of the indiscretion.? Are these characters ever punished for what they do? How does cheat impact their relationships?
Essay Topic 3
Money plays a major role in the plot of Native Speaker. Without money Kwang would never be able to run rallies or fund his campaign. Write an essay that explores the value of money to the characters of Native Speaker. Which characters value money the most? Which value it the least? Where does most of Kwang's funding come from? In which cases is money spent frivolously throughout the plot?
This section contains 752 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |