Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In Part 2, Chapter 3, which character is upset that the officers have a higher standard of living than the soldiers?
2. What is Cummings motive behind assigning Hearn tasks such as bringing him fresh flowers and taking liquor to the officer's mess tent?
3. In the beginning of Part 1, Chapter 1, some of the men are playing poker. Which card player wins 100 Australian pounds?
4. In Part 2, Chapter 8, how does Wakara feel around the other men?
5. Wilson tells the men he has another woman in Kansas. What is his reason for liking her more than his own wife?
Short Essay Questions
1. As the troops enter the jungle, what is their strategy for getting through the dense terrain?
2. How is Wilson described in chapter 1?
3. How does Hearn's insecurity show in Part 3, Chapter 2?
4. How does the narrator describe the pace of Ridges and Goldstein as they carry Wilson through the jungle?
5. In Part 1, Chapter 2, why is Martinez compared to a deer?
6. What is the bird in Part 3, Chapter 5 symbolic of? And how do Croft's actions confirm the symbolism?
7. In Part 2, Chapter 7, the American troops engage some Japanese soldiers. What are Red and Gallagher's reactions to how Croft handles the situation?
8. What does Cummings think about the campaign in general?
9. Why does Red reject Hearn's offer to be promoted to corporal?
10. How does the general mood eventually change, and how is this different that what was experienced on the island?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
By the end of the book, the American troops learned that they had the advantage. Additionally, Cummings felt useless intelligence and incompetent men were the reason he did not feel successful. Were the reasons giving by Cummings for his feelings of failure justified? Explain you answer using examples from the book based on Cummings character and his actions.
Essay Topic 2
Roth and Goldstein have a substantial conversation on the beach, and Roth feels they are becoming friends. Would these two characters be friends if they had met outside of the Army? Explain your reasoning with evidence using the characters background, education, personality, and thoughts reveled throughout the book.
Essay Topic 3
This story takes place during WWII, while some of the man are new to the army and possible have been drafted, others have been in the army for some time and plan to remain in the army. It is likely that some men have experienced or will experience life in the army in America as this issue is discussed among the soldiers.
1) How was being in the Army different on the island compared to being in the Army in America?
2) Why do you think differences existed?
3) Explain how the men's actions and relationship might have been if they were stationed in America during the war.
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