The Naked and the Dead Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Naked and the Dead Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Roth thinks about how how angry he is at Croft and feels he would do a better job as a leader and would be nicer to his men. Unconsciously he thinks about his own past actions and hopes they do not bring him bad luck. What negative actions does Roth fear might bring him bad luck?
(a) How he treats his wife.
(b) Thinking negatively.
(c) His behavior as a debt collector.
(d) Seeing the dead.

2. How does Martinez feel about not taking the dead Japanese soldier's watch?
(a) Happy with himself.
(b) Disapointed in himself.
(c) Unmanly.
(d) Honorable.

3. What does Croft do when Roth finds the injured bird?
(a) Let's it go.
(b) Cares for it.
(c) Makes fun of Roth for caring for it.
(d) Kills it.

4. How do the soldiers keep the toilet paper dry?
(a) It is kept in a hard plastic container.
(b) It is kept in their tents.
(c) It is kept in a tin can.
(d) It is kept in a plastic bag.

5. In Part 3, Chapter 9, how far could the men carrying Wilson go before having to take a break?
(a) 50 yards.
(b) 1 mile.
(c) 10 feet.
(d) 25 yards.

Short Answer Questions

1. During Brown's flashback, what does he dream of studying in college?

2. After crossing the open field, who is missing?

3. Brown is considering his current mission of carrying Wilson back to the beach and becomes angry with Croft for sending him. How is Brown's anger toward Croft for sending him with Wilson a contradiction?

4. The men hiking up the mountain eventually reach a four-foot gap and are forced to jump and continue. Roth has become weak and feels he can not make it across. What are Roth's final thoughts as he falls through the four-foot gap in the ledge?

5. How long does Cummings suspect it will take for men to breach the Toyaku Line?

(see the answer keys)

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