The Naked and the Dead Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Naked and the Dead Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The men continue up the mountain based on the information provided by Martinez, what do the men assume about the mountain pass?
(a) There are no Japanese soldiers.
(b) Martinez has killed all the Japanese soldiers.
(c) There is no way through.
(d) There are Japanese soldiers.

2. During a flashback of Cummings, the reader learns that he enjoyed sewing and sketching as a child, however his father did not approve. What was his father's action upon learning Cummings was partaking in womanly activities?
(a) His father did nothing.
(b) He was sent to military school.
(c) His father took him to work at his factory.
(d) He was forbidden to continue the activites.

3. In Part 3, Chapter 4, why does Hearn think the men resist his leadership?
(a) They think he is worthless.
(b) They like Croft as their leader.
(c) They do not know him.
(d) They fear Croft.

4. As he is being carried through the jungle to the beach, Wilson dies. What do the men carrying Wilson do after he dies?
(a) Send him down the river.
(b) Leave him.
(c) Bury him.
(d) Continue to carry him to the beach.

5. How does Martinez feel about not taking the dead Japanese soldier's watch?
(a) Disapointed in himself.
(b) Honorable.
(c) Unmanly.
(d) Happy with himself.

Short Answer Questions

1. One night, Gallagher and Martinez talk about Martinez's search mission of the pass. Martinez admits that he killed a Japanese soldier. What does Gallagher think of Martinez for killing the Japanese soldier?

2. After failing out of college, what profession did Brown take up?

3. What is Dalleson's aspirations for his career?

4. After firing a cannon to relieve some tension, Cummings returns to his tent feeling very good. He finds his journal which he keeps locked and begins to write, by the time he has finished his entry, how does Cummings feel about his words?

5. Where was Cummings when he had his first homosexual encounter?

(see the answer keys)

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