The Naked and the Dead Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Naked and the Dead Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Cummings often thinks about how the campaign might go wrong which causes him frustration. In addition to writing in his journal, how else does Cummings release his tensions?
(a) Firing a cannon.
(b) Writing in his journal.
(c) Killing.
(d) Disciplining the men.

2. What does Croft do when Roth finds the injured bird?
(a) Let's it go.
(b) Makes fun of Roth for caring for it.
(c) Cares for it.
(d) Kills it.

3. What is Croft's intention in telling Hearn there are no Japanese guarding the pass and in sending him and a group of men to patrol?
(a) Hearn would be killed.
(b) Croft would be seen as a hero.
(c) Hearn would begin to trust Croft.
(d) Hearn would give up command.

4. Where was Cummings when he had his first homosexual encounter?
(a) Italy.
(b) France.
(c) Germany.
(d) West Point.

5. As the soldier's carry Wilson to the beach, his continually complains that he is thirsty. However the men say he can not drink any water with his injury. What is the explanation they give Wilson for not being allowed any water?
(a) With a stomach injury, it will kill him.
(b) He can drink the rain water.
(c) They left the water behind.
(d) The men carrying him need it more.

6. In Part 3, Chapter 7, Hearn makes a decision about his future that he know will cause the enlisted men and officers to hate him. What is his decision?
(a) Court-martial those who did not follow his orders.
(b) Inform his superiors of the men's fears.
(c) Kill Croft.
(d) Resign his commission.

7. What does Martinez hope to gain by remaining loyal to the Army?
(a) He will become a hero.
(b) He will be able to support his family.
(c) Advancement.
(d) Lifelong friends.

8. How is the leader of the patrol through pass killed?
(a) Killed by Croft.
(b) Grenade.
(c) Fell off the mountian.
(d) Bullet in the Chest.

9. As he is being carried through the jungle to the beach, Wilson dies. What do the men carrying Wilson do after he dies?
(a) Bury him.
(b) Continue to carry him to the beach.
(c) Leave him.
(d) Send him down the river.

10. What does Hearn think of Wilson's injury?
(a) It has spoiled the mission.
(b) Hearn is glad it was not him.
(c) Wilson will get more attention.
(d) It is not too bad.

11. At this point the soldiers have turned around and are making their way back to the beach. What is the general feeling of the soldiers toward Croft?
(a) Herosim.
(b) Confidence.
(c) Hatred.
(d) Friendship.

12. During a flashback of Cummings, the reader learns that he enjoyed sewing and sketching as a child, however his father did not approve. What was his father's action upon learning Cummings was partaking in womanly activities?
(a) He was forbidden to continue the activites.
(b) His father took him to work at his factory.
(c) His father did nothing.
(d) He was sent to military school.

13. In Part 3, Chapter 2, who does Hearn decide cannot be trusted?
(a) Red.
(b) Cummings.
(c) Croft.
(d) Wilson.

14. What does Ridges do that causes him to becomes emotional?
(a) Fights with Gallagher.
(b) Puts Wilson out of his misery.
(c) Refuses to continue.
(d) Tries to save Wilson's soul.

15. When Martinez returns from checking the mountain pass, he is deceptive to some of the other men. Who is Martinez hoping to impress by his actions during his mission?
(a) Hearn.
(b) Croft.
(c) Dalleson.
(d) Cummings.

Short Answer Questions

1. The men continue up the mountain based on the information provided by Martinez, what do the men assume about the mountain pass?

2. Which soldier carrying Wilson pretends to faint?

3. In Part 3, Chapter 2, how many miles does Hearn want to travel before dark?

4. Which soldier states he will re-enlist?

5. There is an ongoing fear within each of the men in this story. However, during Part 3, Chapter 1, the men briefly forget this fear and the current state of their lives. What event causes this to occur?

(see the answer keys)

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