Naked Lunch Test | Final Test - Medium

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Naked Lunch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the subject of the conference that Dr. Schafer attends?
(a) Geographical Sociology
(b) Biological Technology
(c) Technological Psychiatry
(d) Environmental Sociology

2. What is William trying to avoid in his court case?
(a) Executed
(b) Evicted
(c) Deported
(d) Framed

3. What is the government on the Island comprised of?
(a) Pigs
(b) Raccoons
(c) Baboons
(d) Armadillos

4. What does Andrew Keif do for a living?
(a) Painter
(b) Novelist
(c) Judge
(d) Actor

5. The Sailor tells the boy that, “The trap hasn’t been aired since the Exterminator fumigated for” what?
(a) Drug addicts
(b) Coke bugs
(c) Roaches
(d) Heroin

Short Answer Questions

1. The author writes, “The subway sweeps by with a black blast of” what?

2. Who does Joe say that he’s traveling with in Butte?

3. What does the man in the market claim makes miracles possible?

4. What does A.J. pose as to cover his real profession?

5. Who accosts Carl when he leaves the doctor’s office?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is symbolized by the courthouse and court system in “The County Clerk”?

2. Why do Hauser and O’Brien pay a visit to William Lee in the novel?

3. What leads to William Lee shooting Hauser and O’Brien?

4. What does the Party Leader discuss in “Ordinary Men and Women”?

5. What is symbolized through William’s description of the Island and the Zone?

6. Where does William Lee go after shooting Hauser and O’Brien? Why?

7. How does William describe junkies destroying themselves physically and emotionally in “Have You Seen Pantopon Rose?”

8. What does the boy ask the Sailor for in “Coke Bugs”? What is the response?

9. How is the city of Interzone described?

10. Why is William Lee unable to get his case heard in “The County Clerk”?

(see the answer keys)

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