Naked Lunch Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Naked Lunch Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does NG Joe administer heroin to help with his disorder?
(a) Snorting it
(b) Arm injections
(c) Smoking it
(d) Spinal injections

2. At the orgy, what repeatedly sodomizes a young boy?
(a) A flamingo
(b) An ostrich
(c) A reptile
(d) A mugwump

3. One of Williams drug induced visions involves a Guard wearing a suit made of what?
(a) Animal skins
(b) Human flesh
(c) Satin
(d) Gold

4. Where does the sexual orgy take place in Chapter 9?
(a) Barnum and Bailey Circus
(b) Queens Plaza
(c) AJ's apartment
(d) Hassan's Rumpus Room

5. What is the last name of William in Naked Lunch?
(a) Lee
(b) Simmons
(c) Anderson
(d) He is known only as The Sailor

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following refers to an institution for the preservation or recovery of health, especially for convalescence?

2. Where does Dr. Benway work on his famous project that encourages a police state and arbitrary punishments are given for everyday offenses?

3. What does Dr. Benway use to operate on a woman in Chapter 7?

4. What do the freed addicts raid once they are freed from the psychiatric hospital?

5. What refers to the act or process of ceasing to use an addictive drug?

Short Essay Questions

1. How are the setting and characters described in the beginning of “Hassan’s Rumpus Room”?

2. What is symbolized by the disease Bang-utot in the narrative?

3. How is the plot structure of “And Start West” different from the plot structures of the other vignettes in the novel?

4. What is the significance of Vigilante’s character in the novel? How does the Vigilante change?

5. Why is Willy at Hassan’s Hospital in “Hospital”? How is his situation described?

6. How is Dr. Benway viewed by those around him?

7. How does the narrative style and plot structure change in “Hassan’s Rumpus Room”?

8. What happens when William Lee meets Miguel in “Lazarus Go Home”?

9. How is Joselito described? Where is he in the beginning of the chapter named for him?

10. Why do the Sailor and “Fats” Terminal meet in “The Black Meat”? What takes place in their meeting?

(see the answer keys)

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