Naked in Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Naked in Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Dallas meet up with Roarke?
(a) Office.
(b) Bar.
(c) Home.
(d) Cop central.

2. What tool is being used to locate potential suspects?
(a) Snitches.
(b) Mug shots.
(c) Data base.
(d) Security tapes.

3. What is the older woman's profession?
(a) Consultant.
(b) Prostitute.
(c) Doctor.
(d) Homemaker.

4. What color is the victim's pet?
(a) White.
(b) Striped.
(c) Black.
(d) Gray.

5. Approximately how much money does Sharon De Blass have in a hidden account?
(a) $427,000.
(b) $326,000.
(c) $296,000.
(d) $501,000.

6. Dallas discusses suffering from which of the following issues?
(a) Arthritis.
(b) Memory loss.
(c) Chronic hiccups.
(d) Headaches.

7. What is the name of the place Roarke is staying while he is away from home?
(a) Olympia.
(b) Planet Four.
(c) Free Star.
(d) Genus.

8. What database is commonly used by Dallas and the rest of the police force when attempting to locate known felons?
(a) MICR.
(b) ICRC.
(c) IRCCA.
(d) NCIS.

9. The Chief orders Dallas to do which of the following?
(a) Cooperate.
(b) Create a cover up.
(c) Look elsewhere.
(d) Lie.

10. The information involves which of the following?
(a) Overheard conversation.
(b) Rumors.
(c) Safe deposit box.
(d) Possible suspect.

11. What item in Dallas' car is repaired by Roarke?
(a) Heater.
(b) Seat.
(c) Headlights.
(d) Radio.

12. Who joins Dallas in her office at Cop Central?
(a) Whitney.
(b) Roarke.
(c) Simpson.
(d) Feeney.

13. Dallas is eligible to receive which of the following?
(a) Vacation.
(b) Leave of absence.
(c) Disciplinary measures.
(d) Promotion.

14. Dallas receives an enlightening phone call from which character?
(a) Monroe.
(b) Barrister.
(c) Castle.
(d) Conway.

15. Dallas immediately sends the information to ____.
(a) Riley.
(b) Colby.
(c) Feeney.
(d) Nadine.

Short Answer Questions

1. Dallas' presence is required at an upcoming _____.

2. Dallas discusses which of the following with Roarke?

3. Who is the owner of the murder weapon?

4. What does Dallas use to trace the latest weapon?

5. Dallas receives a call regarding the death of:

(see the answer keys)

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