Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stephanie Dalley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stephanie Dalley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In terms of population control, what do the gods agree to do with women?
(a) Women will have to ask permission of the holy men to become pregnant.
(b) Women will only be able to have sex once a month.
(c) Women will have to pray to the gods to get pregnant.
(d) Not all women will be able to or allowed to give birth.

2. On what medium where these myths originally found?
(a) Tapestries.
(b) Paintings.
(c) Tablets.
(d) Pottery.

3. On what condition does Ereshkigal allow Ishtar entrance to Kurnugi?
(a) She must apologize for her transgressions against Ereshkigal.
(b) She must marry the first man she sees after exiting the Underworld.
(c) She must be polite.
(d) She must follow the ancient rites.

4. About what does Ea question Nergal upon the arrival of Namtar?
(a) Nergal spat on Namtar upon his arrival.
(b) Nergal slapped Namtar in the face.
(c) Nergal did not bow to Namtar.
(d) Nergal refused to look Namtar in the eyes.

5. Who is Nergal's father?
(a) Ea.
(b) Ellil.
(c) Dumuzi.
(d) Namtar.

6. What biblical character is similar to Atrahasis?
(a) Noah.
(b) Solomon.
(c) Abel.
(d) Cain.

7. When sent from the Underworld, why is Namtar unable to locate Nergal?
(a) Nergal has been disguised.
(b) Nergal is dead.
(c) Namtar has been blinded.
(d) Namtar is sent to look for him in the wrong places.

8. What theory does the author suggest as the origin for the tale of Atrahasis?
(a) It explains why New Years is a celebration all around the world.
(b) It explains how the rivers Tigris and Euphrates were formed.
(c) It is an explanation for why the priestesses of Shamash were never allowed to have children.
(d) It explains why water is so revered in the Mesopotamian culture.

9. How must Nergal atone for his offense towards Namtar?
(a) Walk to the underworld over gravel and allow his blood to cleanse his offense.
(b) Sacrifice several animals to Namtar.
(c) Pray for forgiveness.
(d) Chop down trees and make a chair.

10. For what errand does Ea create the man called Good-Looks?
(a) Good-Looks is to torment Ishtar.
(b) Good-Looks is to fetch waters of life from Ereshkigal.
(c) Good-Looks is to reprimand Ereshkigal and Ishtar for their feud.
(d) Good-Looks is to distract Ereshkigal so that Ishtar may escape.

11. In the final tablet of the Epic of Gilgamesh, what does Enkidu offer to retrieve for Gilgamesh?
(a) A toy.
(b) A pomegranate seed.
(c) Shamhat.
(d) A sword.

12. Why is Nergal sent to the Underworld?
(a) He is to judge the activities of the gods.
(b) He is to be whipped by Namtar.
(c) He is to sacrifice himself to make amends for offending Namtar.
(d) He is to send a message to Namtar from the gods about respect.

13. In what modern country can the ancient civilization of these myths be found?
(a) Afghanistan.
(b) Iran.
(c) Iraq.
(d) Syria.

14. How does Ellil first punish mankind in the story of Atrahasis?
(a) He ignores their prayers for children.
(b) He sends a flood.
(c) He unleashes the Sebitti.
(d) He orders a drought.

15. For what reason, in the story of Atrahasis, do the gods create man?
(a) They are tired of doing all of the work on their own.
(b) The gods were lonely without anyone to lead.
(c) They were hoping to run an experiment.
(d) The gods were bored.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does Enki believe the flood will last?

2. How many figures are contained within this book?

3. What does Gilgamesh use to cross over the deadly water past the mountains and darkness?

4. After the death of Enkidu, for what does a grieving Gilgamesh seek?

5. In what tradition where these myths originally related?

(see the answer keys)

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