My Antonia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Antonia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the Shimerdas did not want to immigrate to the United States?
(a) Antonia
(b) Ambrosch
(c) Mrs. Shimerda
(d) Mr. Shimerda

2. How many days pass before Mr. Shimerda's body is buried?
(a) 10
(b) 5
(c) 4
(d) 3

3. What does Antonia tell Jim about her father when she and her mother come to visit the Burdens after the winter thaw?
(a) Her father used to be a violinist.
(b) Her father plans to kill himself.
(c) Her father does not love her mother.
(d) Her father is not doing well.

4. Which of the following is not a detail about Antonia that Mrs. Steavens shares with the Burdens?
(a) Many of the country people like Antonia.
(b) Antonia goes to many dances.
(c) Antonia is a hard worker.
(d) Ambrosch hires Antonia out like a man.

5. Why do Antonia and Jim travel to Russian Peter's in Chapter 7?
(a) To deliver a spade
(b) To visit with he and Pavel.
(c) To show the Shimerda children the prairie dog houses.
(d) To borrow a spade

6. What does Otto put on the Christmas tree that attracts everyone's attention?
(a) Candles
(b) Ornaments from the Shimerdas
(c) A photo of his mother
(d) Special ornaments from Austria

7. Which of the following is not a topic of complaint by Mrs. Shimerda in Chapter 17?
(a) The cow Grandfather Burden sold her.
(b) Accusations against Ambrosch
(c) Mr. Shimerda's death
(d) A broken ax.

8. What do the Shimerdas give the Burdens in exchange for the goods they bring during the winter?
(a) A promise of repayment
(b) Nothing
(c) Money
(d) Dried mushrooms

9. Where does Jim believe Mr. Shimerda's spirit goes after he dies?
(a) To Heaven
(b) To live above the Burdens' home
(c) Back to Germany
(d) Into Purgatory

10. Which of the following is not a regular occurrence in the evenings at the Harling house?
(a) The family gathers in the parlor.
(b) Antonia bakes treats for the family and visitors.
(c) The family gathers in the kitchen.
(d) Antonia tells stories of Bohemia.

11. How do the Shimerdas react to their difficult living conditions?
(a) They ask the Burdens to help them.
(b) The complain constantly.
(c) They shut themselves off from the community.
(d) They never complain.

12. What does Jake find under the manger in the barn where Mr. Shimerda's body is found?
(a) Grandfather Burden's ax
(b) Krajiek's ax
(c) Money
(d) A gun

13. What reputation does the Boys' Home Hotel have?
(a) It is considered a safe place for men, but not women, to stay.
(b) It is considered the best in the area.
(c) It is considered an elite, high priced establishment.
(d) It is considered a seedy hotel.

14. Which of the following does Grandmother Burden not teach Antonia?
(a) Basic math
(b) To cook
(c) Housekeeping
(d) To read English

15. Why does Jim come to live with his grandparents in the first chapter of the book?
(a) His parents want him to grow up on a farm.
(b) His parents have divorced.
(c) His parents are unable to care for him.
(d) His parents have passed away.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is suspected of killing Mr. Shimerda?

2. Why is Ambrosch delighted when he hears Jake sold a pig in town?

3. Who does Jim credit with planting sunflowers in Nebraska?

4. What does Mr. Shimerda ask Jim's grandmother to do?

5. What does Jim tell the narrator of the introduction?

(see the answer keys)

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