My Own Country: A Doctor's Story of a Town and Its People in the Age of AIDS Test | Final Test - Medium

Abraham Verghese
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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My Own Country: A Doctor's Story of a Town and Its People in the Age of AIDS Test | Final Test - Medium

Abraham Verghese
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the My Own Country: A Doctor's Story of a Town and Its People in the Age of AIDS Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Sue McCoy train?
(a) Iowa City, Iowa.
(b) Camden, New Jersey.
(c) Boston, Massachusetts.
(d) Madison, Wisconsin.

2. How many mines did Will Johnson's company serve?
(a) 4.
(b) 8.
(c) 6.
(d) 5.

3. Who gave a eulogy at Otis's funeral?
(a) Otis's mother.
(b) Otis's brother.
(c) Fred.
(d) Bettie Lee.

4. Which of Abraham's patients liked to use the phrase "accentuate the positive"?
(a) Raleigh.
(b) Bobby Keller.
(c) Petie Granger.
(d) Ethan Nidiffer.

5. What was Fred giving Otis around the clock when Otis was dying?
(a) Oxycodone.
(b) Meprozine.
(c) Morphine.
(d) Meperidine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What hymn ended Bess Johnson's funeral?

2. What was Norman Sanger's favorite dessert?

3. Where was the most comfortable place in America in the 1970s to live an openly gay life?

4. What was the text for Will Johnson's funeral?

5. After Will Johnson's heart surgery, what did his wife and daughter read to him?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where did most of the HIV-infected patients live who came for treatment in Johnson City?

2. What miracle did Norman Sanger witness when he was in his teens?

3. Why did the administrator of the Miracle Center ask to speak with Abraham?

4. What does Rajani suggest she and Abraham do the morning after Thanksgiving, and what does Abraham say in reply?

5. Why does Abraham believe that HIV is a disease that has been imported to east Tennessee?

6. What did an intern warn Bess Johnson about?

7. What did Will ask the preacher to tell the congregation at his funeral?

8. Why does Will Johnson tell Abraham that he and his wife are not facing HIV alone?

9. What were the circumstances surrounding Will Johnson's heart attack?

10. What worry did Otis Jackson have as he neared the end of his life?

(see the answer keys)

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