My Name Is Red Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Name Is Red Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Black feel as if he must finish the book?
(a) To win Shekure.
(b) To honor his mentor.
(c) To prove his innocence.
(d) To complete a process.

2. How does Master Osman think of his miniaturists?
(a) As if they are guilty.
(b) As if they are his children.
(c) As if they are above the law.
(d) As if they have disappointed him greatly.

3. Why can't Black and the dwarf share Osman's joy about the books they are examining?
(a) They think he is losing his mind.
(b) They are busy looking themselves.
(c) They don't appreciate art or history like he does.
(d) They are not sure what he is talking about.

4. What does Shekure dream about?
(a) Her father was alive again.
(b) Black was the murderer.
(c) Hasan had killed Black.
(d) Black was also killed by the murderer.

5. When the door to the Treasury is opened to let Black and Master Osman go home for the night, what do they request?
(a) To take a book home.
(b) To bring in all of hte artists.
(c) To consult with the Sultan.
(d) To stay all night.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is unique about the missing illustration?

2. Which of the following characters accompanies Master Osman and Black into the Inner Treasury?

3. How do Hayriye and Shekure announce Enishte's death to the neighborhood?

4. Who does Black go to for help finding Shekure?

5. What does Master Osman do until the Sultan arrives?

Short Essay Questions

1. What realization do Black and the other artists come to as they reminisce?

2. What does Esther tell Black?

3. What do Black and the other artists do to the murderer?

4. What do Black, Master Osman and the dwarf do while they are locked in the Inner Treasury?

5. Where does the pageboy lead Master Osman?

6. What does Black tell the clerk at the Head Treasurer's chamber and what does he think might happen if it doesn't go well?

7. What do Black and Master Osman do to help them figure out who drew all of the illustrations?

8. What does Butterfly explain while Black searches for the illustrations?

9. What is Butterfly disappointed about and what is he excited about?

10. What stories does Master Osman tell and what is his purpose in looking at the books?

(see the answer keys)

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