My Name Is Asher Lev Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Name Is Asher Lev Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Asher's father make every morning for breakfast?

2. Where does Asher live?

3. In Chapter 2, Aryeh's travel becomes hindered by a snowstorm, leaving him stranded in which city?

4. At the end of Chapter 4, Asher hears that which Russian prisoners have been released?

5. At the end of Chapter 3, Asher unwittingly draws a picture in his notebook of whom?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does the Lev family spend their summers? What do they do there?

2. The scene when Asher meets Yudel Krinsky for the first time becomes a very important subject for Asher's art. What is Yudel Krinsky doing at the moment of meeting Asher? How does he act?

3. Describe Rivkeh's reaction to her loved one's death.

4. Why does Asher miss his father so much on the first Shabbos without him?

5. At the end of Chapter 3, Asher draws a picture of Stalin in his notebook without realizing it. What do you think is happening in Asher's mind when he draws things without being aware of it?

6. How does Rivkeh react to the drawings Asher creates as a toddler?

7. In Chapter 6 as Rivkeh and Asher adjust to life on their own, Rivkeh begins to talk about her grief over Yaakov's death. Which people in her life died prematurely, and how did she feel when that happened?

8. Compare Aryeh's reaction to Stalin's death with Yudel Krinsky's reaction.

9. Yudel Krinsky mentions several differences between Russia and the United States. What is one difference?

10. According to the mashpia's instructions, there are three types of Jews. List the types and explain them briefly.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Describe the Rebbe's relationship with his people. How would you react if you had to ask a leader for permission to make important decisions? How do the Levs react to the Rebbe's wishes?

Essay Topic 2

Describe Anna Schaeffer's role in Asher's life. How do you feel about the way her employees arrive at Asher's apartment, carry away his paintings, and don't let him see them again until the show?

Essay Topic 3

How does religion affect the daily lives of the Lev family? Provide some examples of the way they think about God throughout the day, remembering to include a discussion of their activities, their conversation, and their world views.

(see the answer keys)

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