My Name Is Asher Lev Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Name Is Asher Lev Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On Shabbos afternoons, Aryeh returns to the synagogue alone in order to do what?
(a) Make phone calls to Europe.
(b) Talk to the Rebbe about his work in Europe.
(c) Eat a meal.
(d) Listen to the Rebbe speak.

2. In Chapter 2, Aryeh's travel becomes hindered by a snowstorm, leaving him stranded in which city?
(a) London.
(b) Philadelphia.
(c) Paris.
(d) Boston.

3. In Chapter 6, Asher remembers a conversation between himself as a toddler and Aryeh regarding which publication?
(a) The Enquirer.
(b) The New York Times.
(c) Newsweek.
(d) The Washington Post.

4. What does Asher's father make every morning for breakfast?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Scrambled eggs.
(c) Toast.
(d) Orange juice.

5. In which academic discipline does Aryeh have a master's degree?
(a) Russian history and culture.
(b) Jewish history.
(c) International business.
(d) Political science.

6. What instrument does the Rebbe use to make a loud noise on Rosh Hashonoh?
(a) A whistle.
(b) A shofar.
(c) A trombone.
(d) A tallis.

7. Who takes care of the Lev family during Rivkeh's incapacitating depression?
(a) Yitzchok Lev's wife.
(b) Aryeh.
(c) Mrs. Rackover.
(d) Asher.

8. By what name does the Lev family frequently call the Jewish God?
(a) Ribbono Shel Olom.
(b) Tallis.
(c) Torah.
(d) Krias Shema.

9. In order to go to Europe, Asher has to go downtown to obtain which type of document?
(a) A plane ticket.
(b) A passport.
(c) A Social Security card.
(d) A birth certificate.

10. Where does Asher go after school when Aryeh is out of town?
(a) The harbor.
(b) The fire station.
(c) The museum.
(d) The bakery.

11. At the end of Chapter 6, three new Jewish families move to Asher's neighborhood from which country?
(a) Russia.
(b) Hungary.
(c) Poland.
(d) East Germany.

12. In her long weeks of studying and of waiting for Aryeh to return, Rivkeh picks up the habit of gnawing on what object?
(a) A gingersnap.
(b) An eraser.
(c) One of Asher's paintbrushes.
(d) A pencil.

13. Aryeh Lev is particularly concerned for the Jews of which country?
(a) East Germany.
(b) France.
(c) Russia.
(d) Italy.

14. What is the dessert Asher wants the housekeeper to make?
(a) Brownies.
(b) Chocolate pudding.
(c) Ice cream sundaes.
(d) Peanut butter cookies.

15. Which painting does Jacob Kahn command Asher to study first?
(a) Munch's The Scream.
(b) Chagall's Lovers in the Moonlight.
(c) Picasso's Guernica.
(d) Van Gogh's Starry Night.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which character does not want to leave Brooklyn to go to Europe?

2. Who is Simcha?

3. What type of hat does Yudel Krinsky wear?

4. Asher sees strong similarities between the face of the mashpia and the face of which other character?

5. After feeling unable to correctly tint the shadows of Rivkeh's cheek with a pencil, Asher uses what object to create the color of shadow?

(see the answer keys)

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