My Life in France Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Life in France Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Julia refuse to do in order to stay friends with Simca?
(a) Collaborate with her.
(b) Spend more than a week with her.
(c) Listen to her complaints.
(d) Drink wine with her.

2. What was the greatest problem facing Julia in order to include the recipe Jones wanted in the second volume?
(a) Finding a recipe that would take less than three days.
(b) Finding a recipe that would work in an American kitchen.
(c) Finding a recipe that Simca would agree to publish.
(d) Finding a recipe that she could call her own.

3. What problem was discovered about the French bread recipe Julia put in the book?
(a) It needed different instructions for different elevations.
(b) The yeast measurement was wrong.
(c) The flour was not widely available.
(d) She suggested using an asbestos tile.

4. Why did Julia take a trip to Paris by herself when she lived in Germany?
(a) Julia had a meeting about her book.
(b) Paul and Julia were fighting.
(c) Paul was called to Washington, D.C.
(d) Paul had to work.

5. Louisette was considered what with respect to the book on which Simca and Julia were working?
(a) An editor.
(b) A consultant.
(c) A co-author.
(d) A specialist.

6. How did Julia feel about the distance between her and Simca when she lived in Germany?
(a) It made their relationship stronger.
(b) It was a blessing in disguise.
(c) It made the book hard to publish.
(d) It was a hardship on their friendship.

7. What book was Julia's favorite to write?
(a) "Cooking with Julia."
(b) "The French Chef."
(c) "Mastering the Art of French Cooking."
(d) "From Julia Child's Kitchen."

8. How did Julia like filming for the cooking show?
(a) It was fun.
(b) It was annoying.
(c) It was exciting.
(d) It was stressful.

9. What advance did Jones offer Simca and Julia after reading their book?
(a) $2500.
(b) $1000.
(c) $1500.
(d) $2000.

10. When did Julia and Simca begin drifitng apart?
(a) After the second volume was published.
(b) When the show aired in France.
(c) When Simca could not get a book deal on her own.
(d) After Julia moved to America.

11. Jones wanted to see more of what types of dishes in the book?
(a) Chicken.
(b) Rice.
(c) Beef.
(d) Fish.

12. What caused a lot of arguments between Julia and Simca as the deadline got closer?
(a) Simca's disorganization.
(b) The title of the book.
(c) The date of the publication.
(d) All of these.

13. What did Julia say was her most important lesson learned from writing her first book?
(a) The need for teamwork.
(b) Standing her ground on important aspects.
(c) Having trust in the publisher.
(d) The importance of publicity.

14. What did Julia do when her book was first rejected?
(a) Shorten it.
(b) Re-write the introduction.
(c) Find a new publisher.
(d) Add new American dishes.

15. What month did Julia shoot in Provence?
(a) August.
(b) May.
(c) March.
(d) April.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Julia spread her father's ashes?

2. In what location(s) was Julia shot while in France?

3. What was the second volume of Julia's book meant to do?

4. What recipe did Jones want in the second volume?

5. What kind of oven was commonly found in French kitchens that was not common in American kitchens?

(see the answer keys)

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