My Journey to Lhasa Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Journey to Lhasa Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did David-Neel and Yongden eventually hear that alerted them that someone was approaching from behind them?
(a) Drums.
(b) Whistling.
(c) Bells.
(d) Chanting.

2. On the day David-Neel met the well-dressed man, they found where to sleep for the night?
(a) An unused temple away from the path and village.
(b) A barn with a comfortable hayloft and a nearby pond.
(c) An abandoned shed in a distant field from a small village.
(d) A comfortable cave near a stream by a temple.

3. What river did David-Neel and Yongden initially follow on their trek?
(a) The Arun.
(b) The Mekong.
(c) The Ba.
(d) The Indus.

4. What pass did David-Neel and Yongden initially travel toward with two Chinese men hired to help carry their loads?
(a) The Khardong La.
(b) The Tanggu.
(c) The Nathu La.
(d) The Dokar.

5. David-Neel had a stirring drive to travel and sought out what?
(a) Far off places that had never previously been explored.
(b) Isolated places to be completely alone.
(c) Remote places where she could meet natives of the area.
(d) Distant places to apply her Oriental history expertise.

Short Answer Questions

1. David-Neel and Yongden later met up again with the pilgrims whose member had sore legs, and the pilgrims reported what?

2. How did Yongden respond to David-Neel's admonishment after they left the village for having drawn so much attention with his actions?

3. What excuse did Yongden give why David-Neel did not eat or speak when they came upon the group that passed earlier later at lunch?

4. What did the wealthy woman traveling by horse and with several servants question David-Neel and Yongden about?

5. The Introduction to My Journey to Lhasa provided the background for which of David-Neel's historic treks into remote Asia?

Short Essay Questions

1. When David-Neel and Yongden reached the Tondo-la Pass, why did they pitch their tent for the first time since leaving Yunnan?

2. What did David-Neel initially discover when she crossed the pass into Tibet for the first time?

3. What did David-Neel describe as she opened in Chapter I?

4. How did David-Neel describe the scenery of the Nu Valley?

5. What event that David-Neel described as both "comical" and "unpleasant" transpired when she dyed her hair with Chinese ink to complete her disguise?

6. How did David-Neel describe travel in Tibet as she approached the pass called Tong la?

7. What frightened David-Neel and Yongden at the opening of Chapter III?

8. Where had David-Neel traveled in Tibet prior to her journey into Lhasa?

9. What was it Alexandra David-Neel wrote she craved to do as a young child?

10. Why did the locals use the phrase "Vulture's Cemetery" to describe the highest peak in the Kha Karpo range?

(see the answer keys)

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