My Journey to Lhasa Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Journey to Lhasa Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The route through the Po region that was not on a map crossed how many mountain passes?
(a) 1.
(b) 3.
(c) 4.
(d) 2.

2. The farmland was poor around the village David-Neel described in Po, heavily taxed, and anyone who left was pursued and what?
(a) Jailed.
(b) Brought back.
(c) Executed.
(d) Whipped.

3. While David-Neel an Yongden had heard stories about the Popas all having been robbers and possibly cannibals, how did she describe them as having been?
(a) Friendly and hospitable.
(b) Concerned and vigilant.
(c) Cautious and curious.
(d) Uninterested and unconcerned.

4. David-Neel briefly related how many Lhasa religious leaders endured persecution by the Tibetan government over which nationality?
(a) Chinese.
(b) Bhutanese.
(c) Nepalese.
(d) Mongolians.

5. What temple was the second most important place David-Neel wished to visit, as there she could view a statue of the Buddha that reportedly was from India?
(a) The JTo Khang.
(b) The Nyingma.
(c) The Kagyu.
(d) The Jo Sakya.

6. As David-Neel and Yongden trekked toward a Po mountain path, they ran short of water, and what was their only source located far below?
(a) A lake.
(b) A brook.
(c) A well.
(d) A river.

7. David-Neel and Yongden continued to trek along what river as they got ever nearer their goal?
(a) The Saptakoshi.
(b) The Kyi.
(c) The Mekong.
(d) The Brahmaputra.

8. As they hiked toward the mountain top but could not see the pass, David-Neel and Yongden made what decision?
(a) To ascend eastward.
(b) To turn westward.
(c) To descend eastward.
(d) To go straight ahead.

9. As Chapter V began, David-Neel and Yongden have convinced one of the shepherd peasants, known as what, to guide them to a pass?
(a) A ma chen.
(b) An am chi.
(c) A dokpa.
(d) A skur srung ba.

10. How was it David-Neel found the palace on the hill in Lhasa to appear from the exterior beyond enormous?
(a) Somewhat crude and plain.
(b) Colorfully decorated for the New Year.
(c) Artistically painted.
(d) Having many Buddha statues and prayer flags.

11. While David-Neel and Yongden found protection from the weather around noon, they had but a little dried Tibetan grain food called what?
(a) Star kha.
(b) Shing tog.
(c) Tsampa.
(d) Tshu lu ma.

12. The last part of Chapter VI focused on David-Neel's worries as she and Yongden had to get approval at an official's residence in order to cross a river bridge and travel beyond it, but how did it end?
(a) The official was not home, so Yongden got approval from his son.
(b) She sat outside while Yongden got approval inside.
(c) She faked illness outside while Yongden got approval inside.
(d) Both went inside while Yongden got approval.

13. David-Neel and Yongden had a narrow escape when he was stopped by armed robbers on the path ahead of her when they took how many rupes and began to open his pack?
(a) 1.
(b) 2.
(c) 4.
(d) 3.

14. David-Neel and a boarder's wife became embroiled in a domestic fight when they aided the wife of their drunkard host, a matter that ended with David-Neel being informed she would have to do what?
(a) Testify for the drunkard host's wife.
(b) Find another place to stay.
(c) Testify for both wives.
(d) Testify for the boarder's wife.

15. How many men did David-Neel describe marching in file in the wonderful spectacle that concluded her visit to Lhasa?
(a) Perhaps a thousand.
(b) Several thousand.
(c) Several hundred.
(d) Dozens.

Short Answer Questions

1. Yongden could stand the day after David-Neel returned, so she helped him down to the forest and found what about the path?

2. Afraid the two strangers David-Neel ran off might return with support, she and Yongden quickly packed up and fled and were fortunate to find a group of what with which they could safely travel?

3. When the lean-to failed, David-Neel and Yongden went on until noon when they found what to keep reasonably warm in?

4. With a flat place to camp below the ridge marker and the range, why did David-Neel and Yonggden find it essential to build a fire?

5. The palace in Lhasa was full of beautifully decorated rooms, mostly the work of skilled artists from what country?

(see the answer keys)

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