My Journey to Lhasa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Journey to Lhasa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How was this incident where the pilgrim's legs were "cured" indicative of David-Neel and Yongden's approach to Tibetan spirituality?
(a) They believed no mystical elements and saw all as superstition.
(b) They believed two mystical elements but saw remainder as superstition.
(c) They believed all mystical elements and saw none as superstition.
(d) They believed some mystical elements but saw others as superstition.

2. In 1910, the Dalai Lama was in exile in what location?
(a) Burma.
(b) India.
(c) Bhutan.
(d) Nepal.

3. David-Neel had a stirring drive to travel and sought out what?
(a) Far off places that had never previously been explored.
(b) Isolated places to be completely alone.
(c) Distant places to apply her Oriental history expertise.
(d) Remote places where she could meet natives of the area.

4. Yongden belonged to a sect that did not recognize superstitious beliefs, so what was his course?
(a) He performed the rituals, but avoided offering practical advice.
(b) He performed the rituals as a means to provide practical advice.
(c) He performed the rituals, but only to maintain his identity secret.
(d) He did not perform the rituals, but still provided practical advice.

5. In Chapter III, David-Neel and Yongden moved along their journey, at times briefly having dropped their beggar disguises and doing what?
(a) Hid as Ponpos.
(b) Purchased supplies.
(c) Concealed as Philings.
(d) Ventured as villagers.

6. How did Yongden respond to David-Neel's admonishment after they left the village for having drawn so much attention with his actions?
(a) He sulked.
(b) He complained.
(c) He balked.
(d) He argued.

7. Whom did David-Neel identify as having carried a concealed revolver on the journey to Lhasa?
(a) Only David-Neel.
(b) Only Yongden.
(c) Neither David-Neel or Yongden.
(d) Both herself and Yongden.

8. Outer regions felt animosity toward Tibet's government, so if better armed and organized it was feared they would not submit to the rule of what area?
(a) Lhasa.
(b) Qinghai.
(c) Amdo.
(d) Kham.

9. As Chapter II ended, how did David-Neel salute an official after he gave Yongden a coin when she begged for alms?
(a) She knelt on both knees and touched her face to the ground.
(b) She put her hand on the official's head and wished him prosperity.
(c) She put out her tongue as far as she could extend it.
(d) She put her arms in the air and chanted a traditional prayer.

10. David-Neel and Yongden reached the mountain pass as a blizzard came over and forced them to endure the snow for how long?
(a) Nearly a week.
(b) 2 full days.
(c) 1 full day.
(d) 3 full days.

11. David-Neel was alarmed when a villager who stopped to share food noticed her pale hands and remarked they were like what?
(a) A white flower.
(b) The moon.
(c) Fresh snow.
(d) A philing's.

12. Whom was David-Neel a guest of in Tibet for a time prior to her Lhasa trip?
(a) The Penchen Lama.
(b) The Red Cap Lama.
(c) The Lama Yongden.
(d) The Dalai Lama.

13. David-Neel and Yongden stayed near the border with what individual from whom they concealed their intent to enter Tibet?
(a) A missionary.
(b) A shepherd.
(c) A villager.
(d) A farmer.

14. How did David-Neel and Yongden perceive a village they unexpectedly came upon following the blizzard different from other villages?
(a) It was like a quasi-industrial setting with small mills and factories.
(b) It was like a small town with outlying farms and cottages.
(c) It was like a small city with modern buildings and outlying cottages.
(d) It was like a small city with villas, parks, and palaces.

15. The Dalai Lama had heard of David-Neel's scholarship in what field before they met?
(a) Tibetan customs.
(b) Tibetan religion.
(c) Tibetan government.
(d) Tibetan history.

Short Answer Questions

1. David-Neel met a well-dressed man from the other direction one day so she moved to one side as a peasant, but what was his response?

2. What was the term David-Neel used to describe the Tibetan prohibition of certain travelers?

3. As a guest of the Tibetan lama, David-Neel was provided access to what?

4. What did the wealthy woman traveling by horse and with several servants question David-Neel and Yongden about?

5. The morning after David-Neel's encounter with a well-dressed man, she lost and frantically looked for what before she found it?

(see the answer keys)

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