My Journey to Lhasa Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Journey to Lhasa Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter IV.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How were these roads across Po described to David-Neel and Yongden?
(a) Three were well-traveled, the other unmapped.
(b) Two were well-traveled, the other unmapped.
(c) Four were well-traveled, the other unmapped.
(d) One was well-traveled, the other unmapped.

2. To what location was David-Neel sent on an expedition in 1910?
(a) Asia.
(b) South America.
(c) Northern Africa.
(d) Eastern Europe.

3. David-Neel and Yongden were unable to travel at night when they came into more inhabited country for what reason?
(a) Because night travel was uncommon and raised villagers' suspicions.
(b) Because night travel raised suspicions of shepherds watching flocks.
(c) Because village dogs would howl and give them away.
(d) Because day travel was more common and was less suspicious.

4. What sudden, loud noise awakened David-Neel at the camp made after she and Yongden found the ridge marker and hiked down?
(a) Close thunder had rumbled through the valley.
(b) A Tibetan hunter had fired his gun not far off.
(c) Yongden had fired a shot to scare away a wolf.
(d) Melting ice on a nearby river had cracked.

5. What river did David-Neel and Yongden initially follow on their trek?
(a) The Arun.
(b) The Indus.
(c) The Ba.
(d) The Mekong.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the wealthy woman traveling by horse and with several servants question David-Neel and Yongden about?

2. As David-Neel and Yongden ate one morning, a man they recognized approached from what group of individuals that gave them alms earlier?

3. What excuse did Yongden give why David-Neel did not eat or speak when they came upon the group that passed earlier later at lunch?

4. Once at the shrine, the pilgrims were instructed by Yongden to remain for how long, walking around it daily as they recited prayers?

5. David-Neel met a well-dressed man from the other direction one day so she moved to one side as a peasant, but what was his response?

(see the answer key)

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