My Journey to Lhasa Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Journey to Lhasa Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter VI.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. David-Neel and Yongden later met up again with the pilgrims whose member had sore legs, and the pilgrims reported what?
(a) They were feeling better.
(b) They were free of the demon.
(c) They were completely healed.
(d) They were slow to heal.

2. How were these roads across Po described to David-Neel and Yongden?
(a) One was well-traveled, the other unmapped.
(b) Two were well-traveled, the other unmapped.
(c) Four were well-traveled, the other unmapped.
(d) Three were well-traveled, the other unmapped.

3. The farmland was poor around the village David-Neel described in Po, heavily taxed, and anyone who left was pursued and what?
(a) Brought back.
(b) Executed.
(c) Jailed.
(d) Whipped.

4. At the shrine, the ill pilgrim was to be fed well, and his legs were to be rubbed with hot water containing some what that Yongden offered?
(a) Holy spices.
(b) Holy pebbles.
(c) Holy sand.
(d) Holy leaves.

5. Yongden belonged to a sect that did not recognize superstitious beliefs, so what was his course?
(a) He performed the rituals as a means to provide practical advice.
(b) He did not perform the rituals, but still provided practical advice.
(c) He performed the rituals, but avoided offering practical advice.
(d) He performed the rituals, but only to maintain his identity secret.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sudden, loud noise awakened David-Neel at the camp made after she and Yongden found the ridge marker and hiked down?

2. David-Neel was alarmed when a villager who stopped to share food noticed her pale hands and remarked they were like what?

3. The morning after David-Neel's encounter with a well-dressed man, she lost and frantically looked for what before she found it?

4. David-Neel met a well-dressed man from the other direction one day so she moved to one side as a peasant, but what was his response?

5. David-Neel and Yongden had a narrow escape when he was stopped by armed robbers on the path ahead of her when they took how many rupes and began to open his pack?

(see the answer key)

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