My Journey to Lhasa Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Journey to Lhasa Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter VI.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On the day David-Neel met the well-dressed man, they found where to sleep for the night?
(a) An unused temple away from the path and village.
(b) A barn with a comfortable hayloft and a nearby pond.
(c) A comfortable cave near a stream by a temple.
(d) An abandoned shed in a distant field from a small village.

2. Yongden was what type of lama widely recognized as having the ability to tell fortunes and perform exorcisms and other mystic rites?
(a) A Penchen.
(b) A Red Cap.
(c) A Sakya.
(d) A Nyingma.

3. Tibetan superstition considered it bad luck to pick up what that has fallen to the ground while on a journey?
(a) A religious item.
(b) A jewelry ornament.
(c) A cap.
(d) A coin.

4. Why was David-Neel confident by the start of Chapter VI that her disguise would not be questioned?
(a) She had managed to hide herself thus far and could continue.
(b) She felt Yongden could keep her hidden if all else failed.
(c) She felt nobody would suspect a foreigner was so far into Tibet.
(d) She could always use Tibetans' fears of magic to hide herself.

5. What did a stranger attempt to bargain for when he saw David-Neel and Yongden's open packs as they ate breakfast one morning?
(a) Her two common spoons.
(b) Her wo tea cups.
(c) Her small compass.
(d) Her folding knife.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the start of Chapter IV, David-Neel and Yongden approached the region known as Po with how many roads across it?

2. Once at the shrine, the pilgrims were instructed by Yongden to remain for how long, walking around it daily as they recited prayers?

3. One night a strange lama came up to the pair's fire seemingly out of nowhere, crouched near them, and remained silent for how long?

4. At the village where the pair replenished their provisions following their encounter with the strange lama, what did Yongden replace?

5. David-Neel met a well-dressed man from the other direction one day so she moved to one side as a peasant, but what was his response?

(see the answer key)

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