My Family and Other Animals Test | Final Test - Easy

Gerald Durrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Family and Other Animals Test | Final Test - Easy

Gerald Durrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Gerry's book that he starts writing in Part II: Chapter 10, Pageant of the Fireflies?
(a) Fauna of Corfu.
(b) Boy's Own Paper.
(c) My Adventures with Roger.
(d) Natural History of Corfu.

2. Why are the sea fauna greatly attracted to the archipelago?
(a) The sea fauna is actually stuck there from low tides.
(b) The reason is never discovered.
(c) The water around the archipelago is rich in minerals.
(d) The archipelago provides the sea fauna a safe haven from predators.

3. When returning to the villa with his horn blaring, what does Spiro have with him for the party?
(a) Three cooked turkeys.
(b) Larry's manuscript from the publisher.
(c) The Greek King.
(d) The doctor for Kralefsky.

4. What languages do the magenpies learn to speak?
(a) English and Spanish.
(b) French and Greek.
(c) French and English.
(d) Greek and English.

5. What event occurs at the end of Part II: Chapter 12, the Woodcock Winter that causes the family great distress?
(a) Gerry's scorpion's babies get out of the matchboxes.
(b) The magenpies get out.
(c) Leslie's burglar alarm.
(d) A fire in the house.

6. While squirrel hunting, what does Gerry find instead?
(a) A baby racoon.
(b) A large tortoise.
(c) A baby bat.
(d) A baby owl.

7. In Part II: Chapter 10, Pageant of the Fireflies, who tutors Gerry in the summer?
(a) Peter.
(b) George.
(c) Larry.
(d) Ulysses.

8. What does Gerry name the gecko that takes up residence in his bedroom?
(a) Piddle.
(b) Ulysess.
(c) Dodo.
(d) Geronimo.

9. What is the name given to Gerry's boat?
(a) The Sea Calf.
(b) The Bumtrinket.
(c) The Bootle-Bumtrinket.
(d) The Bootle.

10. What illuminates the family's nighttime picnic at the bay?
(a) Lanterns and a fire.
(b) Phosphorus and cigarettes.
(c) Fireflies and lanterns.
(d) Fireflies and phosphorus.

11. When Spiro brings the mail, what does the bulk of Margo's mail consist of?
(a) Dieting magazines.
(b) Fashion magazines.
(c) Gun catalogues.
(d) Romance novels.

12. What colors are the cyclamen that grow under the olive trees?
(a) Magenta and white.
(b) Magenta and red-wine.
(c) White and purple.
(d) Red-wine and white.

13. What does Gerry say "danced and twisted like wind-blown confetti" in the summer?
(a) Olive leaves.
(b) Cicadas.
(c) Butterflies.
(d) Lacewings.

14. What does Kralefsky's mother think about flowers?
(a) They are wonderful to work with.
(b) They smell beautiful.
(c) That birds prefer daisies.
(d) That they can talk.

15. Where does Geronimo live?
(a) With Spiro.
(b) In Mother's room.
(c) In the zinna bed.
(d) In the snow-white villa.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose room do the magpies that Gerry takes from the nest disrupt?

2. How many guest RSVP to Gerry's birthday party?

3. Who is Gerry's tutor in the beginning of Part III: Chapter 14, The Talking Flowers?

4. Where does Mother say she wants to be buried?

5. At the snow-white villa, what does Gerry get on intimate terms with?

(see the answer keys)

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