My Dark Vanessa Test | Final Test - Easy

Kate Elizabeth Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Dark Vanessa Test | Final Test - Easy

Kate Elizabeth Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Vanessa feel on page 250, after learning of Strane’s emails about her to the administration of Browick?
(a) Adored.
(b) Confused.
(c) Justified.
(d) Disposable.

2. According to Strane on page 341, what does Vanessa’s blog satisfy for her?
(a) Her need to fictionalize.
(b) Her need to justify.
(c) Her need to confess.
(d) Her need to romanticize.

3. In what hospital department does Vanessa begin working after she turns 17?
(a) The pulmonary department.
(b) The urology department.
(c) The cardiology department.
(d) The oncology department.

4. According to Strane on page 304, what is the only thing he did to the girl accusing him?
(a) Brushed against her leg.
(b) Gave her a book of poetry.
(c) Offered her a beer.
(d) Touched her hand.

5. According to Vanessa on page 246, what did Strane steal from her?
(a) Her life.
(b) Her potential.
(c) Her future.
(d) Her youth.

6. According to Strane on page 270, what is Vanessa reluctant to do?
(a) Clean up.
(b) Sober up.
(c) Grow up.
(d) Perk up.

7. Of what is Craig a veteran, as revealed on page 214?
(a) Desert Storm.
(b) Desert Smite.
(c) Desert Strike.
(d) Desert Shield.

8. What does Strane want to remind Vanessa on page 327?
(a) That she is a coward.
(b) That she is a warrior.
(c) That she is a poet.
(d) That she is a woman.

9. What does Vanessa do while Strane is sleeping on page 306?
(a) Take money from his wallet.
(b) Search his drawers.
(c) Look through his photos.
(d) Check his email.

10. What does Vanessa have the urge to do after speaking with Strane on page 187?
(a) Throw up.
(b) Take a shower.
(c) Run away.
(d) Call 911.

11. What job does Vanessa get after graduating from college?
(a) A hostess.
(b) A janitor.
(c) A filing clerk.
(d) A bartender.

12. How does Strane describe himself on page 187?
(a) As an innocent man.
(b) As a monster.
(c) As confused.
(d) As a penitent.

13. On page 367, Taylor reveals the publication of the article did not give her what expected feeling?
(a) Happiness.
(b) Comfort.
(c) Relief.
(d) Closure.

14. How does Strane describe Vanessa’s blog on page 341?
(a) As slanderous.
(b) As harmless.
(c) As well written.
(d) As objectionable.

15. According to Vanessa on page 319, what does Vanessa believe about her role in Strane’s abuse of other girls?
(a) She believes she could have stopped him.
(b) She believes she understands his actions.
(c) She believes he never hurt anyone.
(d) She believes she is free from blame.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the now-dead Strane appear to Vanessa on page 189?

2. How does Vanessa compare Plough to Strane on page 272?

3. According to Vanessa on page 265, what did her teenage self do to Strane?

4. What does Vanessa confess to Professor Plough during one meeting in his office?

5. What Nabokov novel does Vanessa discuss with Plough, intriguing him?

(see the answer keys)

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