My Cousin Rachel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Cousin Rachel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rachel give Philip to tuck under his pillow as a joke on Seecombe?
(a) A lock of her hair.
(b) A hair ribbon.
(c) Her stocking.
(d) A hairpin.

2. What does Rachel do with the pearl collar when she hears Philip and Nick Kendall arguing about it?
(a) Refuses to return it.
(b) Leaves it on the dining room table.
(c) Gives it back.
(d) Throws it across the room.

3. What skill does Rachel have that endears her to the tenants of the estate?
(a) She can speak Italian.
(b) She makes herbal cures.
(c) She can sew clothing.
(d) She is a fantastic cook.

4. Why does Rachel describe Philip as the "despair of every mother?"
(a) He takes women on one date and never calls on them again.
(b) He is not interested in their daughters.
(c) He has terrible manners.
(d) He is a wealthy man, but he is unattractive.

5. What belonging of Ambrose's does Rachel ask to keep?
(a) His hunting jacket.
(b) His books on gardening.
(c) His walking stick.
(d) His wedding ring.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Rachel say the allowance she is given makes her feel?

2. What does Rachel say happens on birthdays?

3. Who does Rachel suggest she will marry if she ever marries again?

4. What animal does Philip hear while out walking that makes him think of Rachel?

5. Why does Philip think it is strange to have Rachel in church with him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What excuse does Philip give for Rachel having overdrawn her account?

2. Why does Philip put his muddy feet up on the footstool while Rachel tells him about her visits?

3. What makes Philip start commenting on the improvement in the foods that are served by his cook?

4. Why did Ambrose not punish Philip for bringing mice to church with him when he was a boy?

5. What does Philip find in his room after going to Pelyn to arrange for Rachel's allowance, and why does it delight him?

6. Why does Philip say that the people at church will be so interested in Rachel?

7. How does Philip avoid seeing his godfather after Christmas?

8. After the Sunday dinner guests leave, what does Rachel say she likes about entertaining?

9. What is the special about the pearl collar that Philip gives Rachel for Christmas?

10. Why did Ambrose compare Rachel's spending to kleptomania?

(see the answer keys)

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