My Cousin Rachel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Cousin Rachel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Rachel treat Philip when introducing him to Rainaldi?
(a) Like he is her suitor.
(b) Like a nervous girl introducing a boy to her father for the first time.
(c) Like he is a sullen child.
(d) Like he is no one important.

2. What happens to Don?
(a) A slate from the roof falls on him and he dies.
(b) Rachel sells him.
(c) He runs away from home.
(d) He is hit by a carriage.

3. What word does the vicar use to describe Rachel?
(a) Ambitious.
(b) Feminine.
(c) Beautiful.
(d) Intelligent.

4. Where is Don buried?
(a) Near Ambrose's granite stone.
(b) In the pet cemetery near the kennels.
(c) Under a laburnum tree.
(d) In the plantation.

5. What animal does Philip hear while out walking that makes him think of Rachel?
(a) A hawk.
(b) A dog.
(c) A vixen.
(d) A dove.

6. Why does Rachel think that Ambrose left her out of his will?
(a) He knew she would spend all the money.
(b) He did not really love her.
(c) He lost faith in her after she had a miscarriage.
(d) He believed she had no right to the estate because it was already promised to Philip.

7. How old was Rachel when her father died?
(a) 16.
(b) 25.
(c) 4.
(d) 10.

8. What belonging of Ambrose's does Rachel ask to keep?
(a) His hunting jacket.
(b) His walking stick.
(c) His books on gardening.
(d) His wedding ring.

9. What disorder does Ambrose compare Rachel's spending to?
(a) Schizophrenia.
(b) Obsessive compulsive disorder.
(c) Kleptomania.
(d) Multiple personality disorder.

10. What is Philip relieved to see when he is out walking on the night Rainaldi visits?
(a) The carriage returning to pick Rainaldi up.
(b) There is a light on in Rachel's room and in Rainaldi's room, too.
(c) Rainaldi and Rachel arguing.
(d) The stable hands readying a horse for Rainaldi to leave.

11. What does Philip realize he forgot to do while he and Rachel are at church?
(a) He forgot to tell Tamlyn to move the laburnum trees.
(b) He forgot to feed the dogs.
(c) He forgot to visit Louise as promised.
(d) He forgot to invite the Pascoes to dinner.

12. Why did Sangalletti choose to marry Rachel instead of her mother?
(a) Because Rachel was younger.
(b) Because Rachel's mother lost her looks.
(c) Because Rachel's mother was not kind.
(d) Because Rachel's mother died.

13. What suspicion did Ambrose have about Rainaldi?
(a) Rainaldi has been stealing from Rachel.
(b) Rainaldi is a bank robber.
(c) Rainaldi is in love with Rachel.
(d) Rainaldi poisoned Ambrose.

14. Who is at the house when Philip returns from seeing the attorney about giving Rachel the estate?
(a) Rainaldi.
(b) Mr. Couch.
(c) Louise.
(d) Nick Kendall.

15. What does Sam Bate give Philip?
(a) A puppy.
(b) A letter.
(c) His land.
(d) A pie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rachel say happens on birthdays?

2. When Philip goes to talk to Rachel after having arranged for her allowance, what is he shocked to find her wearing?

3. When it rains steadily for three days, what does Seecombe say that Philip and Rachel should do?

4. Why does Rachel describe Philip as the "despair of every mother?"

5. What does Rachel give Philip to tuck under his pillow as a joke on Seecombe?

(see the answer keys)

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