My Cousin Rachel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Cousin Rachel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What expensive household item does Rachel give Philip as a gift?
(a) A silver tea service.
(b) Coverings for the blue room.
(c) A chandelier for the dining room.
(d) A chaise lounge for his library.

2. What is Louise's first impression of Rachel?
(a) She is older than Louise expected.
(b) She is beautiful.
(c) She is very tall.
(d) She wears lovely dresses.

3. What reason does Philip give Nick Kendall for Rachel being unable to come and stay with him at Pelyn?
(a) She has to visit all of the estate's tenants first.
(b) The beds at Pelyn are too uncomfortable.
(c) It would not be proper for her to stay anywhere but at Ambrose's house.
(d) Pelyn is too far away.

4. What does Rachel do with the pearl collar when she hears Philip and Nick Kendall arguing about it?
(a) Gives it back.
(b) Throws it across the room.
(c) Leaves it on the dining room table.
(d) Refuses to return it.

5. What marks Ambrose's favorite spot on the estate's lands?
(a) A large oak tree.
(b) A pond.
(c) A stone wall.
(d) A granite stone.

6. How old was Philip when he received Don?
(a) 19.
(b) 10.
(c) 15.
(d) 20.

7. Why does Philip go to the bank before Christmas?
(a) To revoke Rachel's allowance.
(b) To arrange to increase Rachel's allowance.
(c) To sell a piece of land.
(d) To choose a piece of jewelry to give to Rachel.

8. What is Philip reminded of when Rainaldi insults his pipe smoking?
(a) Ambrose's letter.
(b) Don attacking a dog he disliked.
(c) Rachel saying that Rainaldi was sometimes tactless.
(d) His godfather telling him he should not smoke.

9. How does Rachel say the allowance she is given makes her feel?
(a) Angry.
(b) Ecstatic.
(c) Hopeless.
(d) Humiliated.

10. What happens to Don?
(a) He is hit by a carriage.
(b) A slate from the roof falls on him and he dies.
(c) Rachel sells him.
(d) He runs away from home.

11. What stipulation did Ambrose include in his unsigned will that would give Philip the estate back from Rachel?
(a) Philip marrying.
(b) Rachel having a child.
(c) Rachel remarrying.
(d) Rachel's death.

12. What day does Philip intend to give Rachel the estate?
(a) Christmas.
(b) Rachel's birthday.
(c) The anniversary of the founding of the estate.
(d) His birthday.

13. Why did Sangalletti choose to marry Rachel instead of her mother?
(a) Because Rachel's mother lost her looks.
(b) Because Rachel's mother died.
(c) Because Rachel was younger.
(d) Because Rachel's mother was not kind.

14. When it rains steadily for three days, what does Seecombe say that Philip and Rachel should do?
(a) Clean the library.
(b) Go through Ambrose's belongings.
(c) Go to London and go shopping.
(d) Spend the day reading.

15. When Philip goes to talk to Rachel after having arranged for her allowance, what is he shocked to find her wearing?
(a) A necklace that had belonged to his mother.
(b) The pearl collar.
(c) A mourning gown.
(d) A dressing gown.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following clauses does the attorney suggest that Philip add to the document giving Rachel the estate?

2. What does Rachel say happens on birthdays?

3. What disorder does Ambrose compare Rachel's spending to?

4. How does Philip say that widows support themselves, aside from remarrying?

5. Who does Rachel suggest she will marry if she ever marries again?

(see the answer keys)

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