My Cousin Rachel Short Essay - Answer Key

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Cousin Rachel Short Essay - Answer Key

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. Why does Ambrose tell Philip that Tom Jenkyn had no excuse for killing his wife?

Ambrose says that Tom Jenkyn had no excuse for killing his wife because if men went around killing women for their sharp tongues, all men would be murderers.

2. Why does Philip think Rainaldi looked shocked when they first met?

Philip thinks Rainaldi looked shocked because Philip looks so much like Ambrose that he is easily recognized as his late cousin's relative, and could even be mistaken for a younger Ambrose.

3. Why was Philip raised by Ambrose?

Philip was raised by Ambrose because both of Philip's parents died when he was very young.

4. Why did Ambrose start travelling during the winter months?

Ambrose traveled during the winter months because he had rheumatism and the weather made it worse.

5. What makes Philip think that Ambrose may have had a premonition of his death?

Philip thinks Ambrose had a premonition because he talked about the things that Philip would need to do around the estate one day as though he would not be there to do it himself.

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