My Brother Sam Is Dead Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Brother Sam Is Dead Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who accompanies Tim to Sam's execution?
(a) Betsy
(b) Mrs. Meeker
(c) No one
(d) Mr. Beach

2. Who does Tim go to for help for Sam?
(a) General Parsons
(b) General Greene
(c) General Arnold
(d) General Putnam

3. How does Tim distract himself while waiting?
(a) Reading the Bible
(b) Naming all the countries in the world
(c) Cleaning his gun
(d) Whittling

4. What does Sam plan to do after his enlistment is up in two months?
(a) Return to school
(b) Re-enlist
(c) Marry Betsy
(d) Come home

5. What would Mr. Meeker and Tim do if they see cow-boys?
(a) Hide
(b) Shoot
(c) Attack
(d) Scream

6. Which of the following does not describe Tim as he waits for his father at the wagon?
(a) He checks behind him to look for the cow-boys
(b) He looks for places to hide
(c) He does not like being alone
(d) He whistles

7. The setting, _____________, and events in this story are true.
(a) All of the characters
(b) Two of the characters
(c) None of the characters
(d) Many of the characters

8. What is the name of the real life 17-year-old soldier who was killed?
(a) Patrick Henry
(b) Benedict Arnold
(c) Nathaniel Greene
(d) John Smith

9. Where is Mr. Meeker buried?
(a) New York
(b) New Hampshire
(c) Long Island Sound
(d) Maine

10. What happens on December 3, 1778?
(a) Sam and Betsy get married
(b) The war is over
(c) Mrs. Meeker dies
(d) Sam returns to Redding

11. What do the cow-boys think of what Tim has told them?
(a) It is the truth
(b) It is an ambush
(c) It is a lie
(d) It is crazy talk

12. What does Mrs. Meeker shove at Captain Betts for trying to involve Tim in the war?
(a) A chair
(b) A rifle
(c) A poker
(d) A skillet

13. Who is Colonel Read?
(a) A Patriot officer
(b) A Patriot opposed to the war
(c) A British officer
(d) A Tory officer

14. Of what did Mr. Meeker die?
(a) Gun shot
(b) Diptheria
(c) Cholera
(d) Malaria

15. According to the new Rebel laws, people can use ________________ as currency.
(a) Bonds
(b) Property
(c) Commissary notes
(d) Livestock

Short Answer Questions

1. Who runs the tavern now that Mr. Meeker is gone?

2. Who tries to come up with some escape plans for Sam?

3. Which of the following does not portray war in this book?

4. What does Tim realize now that his father is gone?

5. How did General Putnam react to Mrs. Meeker's story about the cattle?

(see the answer keys)

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