My Brother Sam Is Dead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Brother Sam Is Dead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the Captain of Sam's company?
(a) John Adams
(b) Benedict Arnold
(c) George Custer
(d) George Washington

2. What does Sam want to do instead of return to school?
(a) Go to war
(b) Get married
(c) Become a surveyor
(d) Buy a farm

3. What does Betsy ask Tim one day?
(a) If he will chop wood for the family
(b) If he will teach her to fish
(c) If he will walk her to school
(d) If he can keep a secret should Sam come back

4. What lie does Tim tell his father in order to meet with Mr. Heron?
(a) He is helping Mr. Beach
(b) He is going hunting with Tom
(c) He is going fishing
(d) He is running an errand for Mrs. Meeker

5. What have the soldiers taken from the people in Redding?
(a) Guns
(b) Food
(c) Cows
(d) Money

6. What does Sam do when he sees his father?
(a) Talks to him
(b) Yells at him
(c) Hugs him
(d) Runs away

7. What has Sam stolen from the family home?
(a) Money
(b) Food
(c) Legal papers
(d) A gun

8. Where does Betsy tell Sam she is going?
(a) Groton
(b) Hartford
(c) Horseneck
(d) Darien

9. What town will the person in #65 be found?
(a) Darien
(b) Fairfield
(c) Redding
(d) Hartford

10. According to Mr. Platt, thievery and _____________ have taken over their county.
(a) Secrecy
(b) Hangings
(c) Spying
(d) Hostility

11. When Mr. Meeker does not give up the gun, what does the soldier do?
(a) Stabs him
(b) Shoots him
(c) Cuts his face with a sword
(d) Cuts off his thumbs

12. Mr. Meeker feels it is not worth going to war for ________________.
(a) Any reason
(b) At least another year
(c) Ungrateful people
(d) A few taxes

13. What does Betsy call Tim?
(a) A flirt
(b) An idiot
(c) A Patriot
(d) A Tory

14. People in town use guns most often to _________________________.
(a) Keep wolves away from livestock
(b) Train for military maneuvers
(c) Scare birds from gardens
(d) Hunt

15. Who pushes Tim to pick a side over the war?
(a) Jerry
(b) Betsy
(c) Sam
(d) Tom

Short Answer Questions

1. What does war mean for Tim?

2. What is the name of Mr. Meeker's newspaper?

3. Why does Mr. Meeker tell Tim to stay away from Mr. Heron?

4. Who is the narrator of the story?

5. Tim finds that it is hard to ___________________.

(see the answer keys)

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