My Brother Sam Is Dead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Brother Sam Is Dead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do soldiers on both sides of the war now steal?
(a) Ale
(b) Chickens
(c) Cows
(d) Vegetables

2. What does Mrs. Meeker often tell Betsy?
(a) "Idle hands make the Devil's work."
(b) "Waste not, want not."
(c) "Early to bed, early to rise."
(d) "A penny saved is a penny earned."

3. What will happen to Sam if the soldiers see him at the tavern?
(a) He will be hanged for deserting
(b) He will have to switch companies
(c) He will be deported
(d) He will be shot at sunrise

4. Who does Tim see approach the Meeker tavern?
(a) 20 Tories
(b) Tom Warrups
(c) Sam
(d) 20 rebel soldiers

5. What would make the trip easier for Mr. Meeker and Tim?
(a) A lighter load
(b) A covered wagon
(c) Escorts
(d) More oxen

6. Why will Mr. Meeker not allow Mrs. Meeker to write letters to Sam?
(a) They might be intercepted
(b) Paper is scarce
(c) Ink costs too much
(d) Sam needs to be taught a lesson

7. What has Sam come home to get?
(a) Shoes
(b) Money
(c) Clothing
(d) Brown Bess

8. Who is the narrator of the story?
(a) Mrs. Meeker
(b) Sam Meeker
(c) Mr. Meeker
(d) Tim Meeker

9. What has Sam stolen from the family home?
(a) Money
(b) Food
(c) Legal papers
(d) A gun

10. How does Betsy signal to Tim that Sam has returned?
(a) A fire at dawn
(b) A rap on the window
(c) A small nod
(d) A secret code

11. The town of Redding is divided into how many parts?
(a) 2
(b) 6
(c) 5
(d) 3

12. People in town use guns most often to _________________________.
(a) Scare birds from gardens
(b) Keep wolves away from livestock
(c) Train for military maneuvers
(d) Hunt

13. What is the name of Mr. Meeker's newspaper?
(a) Redding Dispatch
(b) Rivington Daily News
(c) Rivington's Gazette
(d) Meeker's Monthly

14. What is the destination of a trip planned by Mr. Meeker and Tim?
(a) Verplancks Point
(b) Philadelphia
(c) New York City
(d) Harpers Ferry

15. What lie does Tim tell his father in order to meet with Mr. Heron?
(a) He is going hunting with Tom
(b) He is going fishing
(c) He is running an errand for Mrs. Meeker
(d) He is helping Mr. Beach

Short Answer Questions

1. What is becoming hard to find in Redding?

2. Who is the girl that Sam likes?

3. What does Betsy ask Tim one day?

4. Who does Tim encounter on the road?

5. What kind of fish do Tim and Jerry catch?

(see the answer keys)

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