Objects & Places from My Brilliant Life

Ae-ran Kim
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from My Brilliant Life

Ae-ran Kim
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Nike Store

This endeavor of Daesu's symbolizes the difficulty he has in trying to establish and maintain a profession and a living.

Areum's Laptop

This piece of technology allows Areum to write and to have his own projects and, eventually, contact with others outside his immediate circle of family and friends.

Seungchan's Television Show

This program symbolizes the financial desperation of Areum's family in that they hesitate to participate in it until they feel there is no other choice.

Daesu's Drinking

This activity represents fear and acts as a coping mechanism for a central character.

Areum's Story

This piece of work represents a legacy and a gift that a main character wishes to leave behind after dying.

Areum's Long Hospital Stays

These events/time periods embody the isolation and boredom Areum endures as part of his illness.

Lee Seoha

This character embodies deception and betrayal.

The Trampoline

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