My Brilliant Friend Test | Final Test - Easy

Elena Ferrante
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Brilliant Friend Test | Final Test - Easy

Elena Ferrante
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What weapons do the Solaras brothers display in Adolescence: Chapter 22?
(a) Swords.
(b) Guns.
(c) Knives.
(d) Daggers.

2. Where does Elena go to spend the summer with her teacher's relative in Adolescence: Chapter 27?
(a) Paris.
(b) London.
(c) Turin.
(d) Ischia.

3. What word from Adolescence: Chapter 20 means acting or done without thought or care?
(a) Incendiary.
(b) Bulbous.
(c) Impetuous.
(d) Scrupulous.

4. What word from Adolescence: Chapter 39 means to mark the beginning or first public use of an organization or project?
(a) Inaugurate.
(b) Concentrate.
(c) Delegate.
(d) Inarticulate.

5. What word from the narrative refers to the beginning of something's existence?
(a) Providence.
(b) Emancipate.
(c) Provenance.
(d) Cultivation.

6. What have Lila and Rino created in Adolescence: Chapter 19?
(a) A sculpture of their mother.
(b) A painting of their father.
(c) A men's suit.
(d) A pair of men's shoes.

7. Whom does Elena run into in the hallway after her argument with a teacher in Adolescence: Chapter 53?
(a) Nino.
(b) Elisa.
(c) Alberto.
(d) Ada.

8. What holiday is being celebrated at the party in Adolescence: Chapter 20?
(a) New Year's Eve.
(b) Christmas Eve.
(c) Easter.
(d) Halloween.

9. What does Rino show his father on a feast day in Adolescence: Chapter 23?
(a) The suit he made for him.
(b) The sculpture of their mother.
(c) The painting of him.
(d) The shoes he and Lila made.

10. Who supposedly invited Nino to Lila's wedding?
(a) Alfonso.
(b) Pasquale.
(c) Nella.
(d) Carmela.

11. What word from Adolescence: Chapter 41 means showing an impudent lack of respect?
(a) Articulate.
(b) Excruciating.
(c) Audacious.
(d) Emancipated.

12. What is the name of the teacher's relative with whom Elena spends the summer in Adolescence: Chapter 30?
(a) Ada.
(b) Lidia.
(c) Nella.
(d) Nunzia.

13. Who attempts to cling to Elena at the wedding in Adolescence: Chapter 60?
(a) Antonio.
(b) Alfonso.
(c) Alberto.
(d) Nino.

14. Who is Nino's father?
(a) Don Achille Carracci.
(b) Stefano Carracci.
(c) Fernando Cerullo.
(d) Donato Sarattore.

15. How is Stefano Carracci's new car described in Adolescence: Chapter 36?
(a) It is a blue Fiat 1100.
(b) It is a red convertable sports car.
(c) It is a black Rolls Royce.
(d) It is a yellow station wagon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Antonio's profession?

2. Who has presumably trashed Marcello's car and beaten him up in Adolescence: Chapter 47?

3. What does Rino's father agree to do with the shoes Rino and Lila created in Adolescence: Chapter 28?

4. What does Stefano say to Lila about his car in Adolescence: Chapter 36?

5. For how long does Elena plan to stay with her teacher's relative in Adolescence: Chapter 29?

(see the answer keys)

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