My Bloody Life: The Making of a Latin King Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Reymundo Sanchez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Bloody Life: The Making of a Latin King Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Reymundo Sanchez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Reymundo do as part of his initiation into the Spanish Kings?
(a) He shot seven of the Imperial Gangsters members.
(b) He raped a girl who was randomly pulled off the street.
(c) He spray painted the Kings' logo over the mural of the Imperial Gangsters.
(d) He knocked over a liquor store by himself.

2. What did Reymundo's best friend, Papo, suggest to the Spanish Lords?
(a) That they stop hanging out with Reymundo.
(b) That they run Reymundo out of town.
(c) That they shoot Reymundo.
(d) That they give Reymundo another chance.

3. Why would the girl in #73 not have sex with Reymundo?
(a) She didn't want an STD.
(b) She was afraid of getting AIDS.
(c) She didn't really love him.
(d) She was saving herself for marriage.

4. Who were the female counterparts of the Latin Kings?
(a) The Senoritas.
(b) The Latin Queens.
(c) The Sweet Sixteen.
(d) The Flamencas.

5. Why did Jenny break up with Reymundo?
(a) She was in love with someone else.
(b) She didn't want to go steady now.
(c) She couldn't be with a coward.
(d) She was moving away.

6. At school, Reymundo hung with Papo and Speedy, giving the impression that he was a ________________.
(a) Spanish Lord.
(b) Lords of Discipline.
(c) Loco Lords.
(d) West Side Locos.

7. Where did Reymundo and the girl in #73 share a bed?
(a) At Hector's.
(b) At the clubhouse.
(c) At her house.
(d) At Maria's.

8. What did Reymundo do when he moved back to the United States?
(a) He became a pothead.
(b) He graduated high school.
(c) He took guitar lessons.
(d) He got a job as a bus boy.

9. Who was Reymundo's mother's second husband?
(a) Hector.
(b) Juan.
(c) Emilio.
(d) George.

10. Which one of the Spanish Kings went with Reymundo to answer to the Unknowns about beating Speedy?
(a) Jorge.
(b) Shorty.
(c) Lalo.
(d) Junk.

11. What did Speedy use to beat Reymundo, requiring stitches?
(a) A bat.
(b) A plank.
(c) A fireplace poker.
(d) A tire iron.

12. What did those Kings and Queens who had not been arrested spend the rest of the night doing?
(a) Bailing out their friends.
(b) Hiding out to avoid arrest.
(c) Shooting up.
(d) Vandalizing government property.

13. Why was Reymundo called a coward in the Chi-West shooting episode?
(a) He could not shoot his gun.
(b) He vomited.
(c) He ran away.
(d) He cried.

14. What was the name of the store where Reymundo and his friends stole candy?
(a) Gummy's.
(b) Gloria's.
(c) Lolly's.
(d) Suzy Q's.

15. Who did Jenny have sex with out of revenge when she learned that Reymundo was seeing China?
(a) Chico.
(b) Juan.
(c) Speedy.
(d) Cruz.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following was NOT to go with Reymundo when he did the activity in #45?

2. With what did Pedro threaten Reymundo all the time?

3. Why did Speedy's gang members beat him brutally for beating Reymundo?

4. Where did Reymundo hide after being branded a coward?

5. What beautiful girl did Reymundo meet at a party at Montrose Harbor?

(see the answer keys)

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