My Bloody Life: The Making of a Latin King Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Reymundo Sanchez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Bloody Life: The Making of a Latin King Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Reymundo Sanchez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the My Bloody Life: The Making of a Latin King Lesson Plans

1. In what year was Reymundo born?


2. Where was Reymundo born?

The back of a 1957 Chevy.

3. Reymundo's father died before Reymundo turned what age?


4. Who was Reymundo's mother's second husband?


5. How old was Reymundo when he was raped by a cousin?


6. Who was the person who raped Reymundo?


7. Where did the family move when they left Puerto Rico?


8. Which of the following was NOT something that fascinated Reymundo about his new city?

The language.

9. Who did Reymundo's mother take up with after her second husband left her?


10. To what neighborhood did Reymundo's family move?

Humboldt Park.

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