Mutant Message Down Under Test | Final Test - Easy

Marlo Morgan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mutant Message Down Under Test | Final Test - Easy

Marlo Morgan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the author reveal she has lost track of?
(a) her thoughts.
(b) distance.
(c) time.
(d) weather.

2. What does the author say is the end purpose of business, even though it starts as a sharing of ones talents?
(a) money.
(b) survival of the fittest.
(c) freedom.
(d) competition.

3. How does the tribe communicate with the four camels they encounter?
(a) weapons and devices.
(b) telepathy.
(c) animal calls.
(d) physical motions.

4. Who is the author saved by after the storm?
(a) member of the tribe.
(b) Mutants.
(c) Spirit Woman.
(d) Female Healer.

5. What does the author's daughter say in regards to her mother's safety on her journey?
(a) she trusted the tribes people to communicate with her.
(b) if something went wrong, she would know.
(c) if something went wrong, someone would call her.
(d) she knew nothing would go awry.

6. What is the core experience of all Mutants?
(a) peace.
(b) hate.
(c) love.
(d) fear.

7. What kind of music is performed?
(a) folk.
(b) rock.
(c) improvization.
(d) reggae.

8. What does the inside of the cave hold?
(a) nothing, it is empty.
(b) clothing from mutants.
(c) branches, rocks, and moss.
(d) artifacts and statues.

9. Which member of the tribe makes the offer for his talent to connect with large beasts be used?
(a) Female Healer.
(b) Kindred to Large Animals.
(c) Spirit Animal.
(d) Large Animal Man.

10. What idea is exchanged between the author and the Aborigine after dinner while sitting in the circle?
(a) medicine.
(b) business.
(c) education.
(d) law.

11. Where do Time Keeper and Memory Keeper lead the author?
(a) over the wood bridge.
(b) into the cave.
(c) down to the trees.
(d) through the rock path.

12. According to Ooota, what is regarded as neither greater or lesser than any other?
(a) beauty.
(b) truth.
(c) faith.
(d) talent.

13. What does the author realize about the universe after 3 days without food, water, or shelter
(a) trust of the universe.
(b) the patience of the universe.
(c) the grace of the universe.
(d) faith in the universe.

14. What talent does Spirit Woman reveal to the author?
(a) care for children.
(b) heal the sick.
(c) interpret dreams.
(d) write songs.

15. Who sits across from the author that she ends up writing about?
(a) Medicine Man.
(b) Great Stone Hunter.
(c) Sewing Master.
(d) Female Healer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the author led after the decision is made by the tribe?

2. Who does the author learn are getting ready to allow their souls to join the Great Oneness?

3. What force of nature envelopes the tribe, separates them, injures some, and washes away many of their belongings?

4. What member of the tribe sits across from the author after the ceremony?

5. What does the author catch herself doing regarding her thinking pattern?

(see the answer keys)

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