Musashi Test | Final Test - Easy

Eiji Yoshikawa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Musashi Test | Final Test - Easy

Eiji Yoshikawa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Daizo think Matahachi will do with the money?
(a) Burn it.
(b) Spend it.
(c) Give it away.
(d) Bury it.

2. How did Matahachi expect the officials to punish him?
(a) By torturing him.
(b) By burying him.
(c) By imprisoning him.
(d) By killing him.

3. What other character do the officials cane in this chapter?
(a) Otsu.
(b) Jo.
(c) Akemi.
(d) Iori.

4. Who does Daizo like to help?
(a) High achievers.
(b) Underdogs.
(c) Women.
(d) Children.

5. Who does Matahachi identify himself as to Akemi?
(a) Seijuro.
(b) Gempachi.
(c) Kojiro.
(d) Tenki.

6. What does Seijuro leave when he disappears?
(a) His armor.
(b) Money.
(c) His sword.
(d) A letter.

7. Which member of Jinnai's party is missing?
(a) Yajibei.
(b) Kojiro.
(c) Otsu.
(d) Akemi.

8. What does Kojiro say he is interested in serving?
(a) A factory.
(b) A school.
(c) A house of ill repute.
(d) A reputable house.

9. Which member of the criminal faction does Musashi kill?
(a) Siejiro.
(b) Otsu.
(c) Baiken.
(d) Daizo.

10. What does Musashi tell Sannosuke he must give up?
(a) His morals.
(b) His family home.
(c) His virginity.
(d) His family fortune.

11. What does Myoshu smell on Musashi?
(a) Fear.
(b) Semen.
(c) Hate.
(d) Blood.

12. Who does Iora say has attacked the nearby village?
(a) Tigers.
(b) Warriors.
(c) Bandits.
(d) Government officials.

13. How does Musashi decide if Sannosuke is good enough to join him?
(a) He asks Buddha.
(b) He mediatates with him.
(c) He tests his puzzle skills,
(d) He attacks him.

14. What does Sannosuke want Musashi to take him along as?
(a) A servant.
(b) A companion.
(c) A student.
(d) An equal.

15. Who is currently living with Matahachi?
(a) Daizo.
(b) Otsu.
(c) Gon.
(d) Akemi.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Musashi charged with stealing from?

2. What is the samurai posing as?

3. What does Gonnosuke study?

4. What is the anme of the old woman Musashi encounters?

5. What does the drummer make Musashi realize about fighting?

(see the answer keys)

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