Murder in the Cathedral Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Murder in the Cathedral Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Becket say saved him from the wrath of his enemies?
(a) King Henry II.
(b) The King of France.
(c) The Pope.
(d) John, the Dean of Salisbury.

2. How does the Second Tempter claim real power is purchased?
(a) At price of his immortal soul.
(b) At price of an uncertain quantity.
(c) At price of a certain submission.
(d) At price of his devotion to God.

3. What does the First Tempter tell Becket he remembers?
(a) His loyalty to the king.
(b) The hard times of the poor.
(c) The good time past.
(d) The danger he is in.

4. What is the first action that the Second Priest wants to take to welcome the Archbishop back to Canterbury?
(a) Have a feast.
(b) Lead a prayer.
(c) Throw a celebration in his honor.
(d) Have the fires lit in his rooms.

5. What character(s) opens the play with the first monologue?
(a) The Messenger.
(b) The Priests.
(c) Thomas Becket.
(d) The Chorus.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many visitors did Beckett expect?

2. Who does the Third Tempter represent?

3. What is the first word that Becket speaks on his first entrance?

4. What is it that the Second Tempter offers Becket?

5. How does the Third Tempter describe himself?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is one of the more specific crimes the Knights bring up in their accusations?

2. According to Becket, how do we define peace?

3. Before Becket is dragged to the altar by the Three Priests, he seems at peace. How is this possible?

4. Looking at the Interlude, how was the Fourth Tempter successful? How was he unsuccessful in his aims?

5. According to Becket, what did God mean when he told his disciples "My peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you."

6. What are the tactics that Eliot writes into the speech of the Second Knight to persuade the audience to see their point of view?

7. Why might Becket pointedly ask the congregation to remember his words?

8. Explain what is offered by the Second Tempter and why it would appeal to Thomas Beckett

9. How do the Knights taunt Becket upon their entrance into the Cathedral?

10. After the temptations, what do the Chorus want Becket to do? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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