Murder in the Cathedral Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Murder in the Cathedral Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is the fourth visitor the most successful Tempter?
(a) He makes peace between Beckett and the King.
(b) He represents the people.
(c) He helps Beckett find peace.
(d) He voices Beckett's own desires.

2. What does Beckett claim the Fourth Tempter offers?
(a) Hopes that Die.
(b) An End to Suffering.
(c) Dreams to Damnation.
(d) Promises of Nothing.

3. When will the First Tempter remember Becket?
(a) On ChristmasEve.
(b) At night when the fires are lit.
(c) On Christmas Day.
(d) At kissing time below the stairs.

4. What position did Becket resign when he was made Archbishop?
(a) King.
(b) Chancellor.
(c) Ambassador.
(d) Bishop.

5. How does the Second Tempter claim real power is purchased?
(a) At price of a certain submission.
(b) At price of his immortal soul.
(c) At price of his devotion to God.
(d) At price of an uncertain quantity.

6. Who are the first two characters who speak of "the wheel" on separate occasions?
(a) The Chorus and Thomas Becket.
(b) The Third Priest and Thomas Becket.
(c) The First Priest and the First Tempter.
(d) The First Priest and the Second Priest.

7. What is not one of the things that the Tempter describes in his flashback of the "good time" Becket used to enjoy in his service to King Henry?
(a) Fires devouring the winter season.
(b) Singing at nightfall.
(c) Spring melting the winter ice.
(d) Fluting in the meadows.

8. What are the priests eager to know once the Messenger has delivered his initial message?
(a) How much time they have before the Archbishop arrives.
(b) If the King and the Archbishop have made peace.
(c) Where the Archbishop is staying.
(d) If the King has learned of the Archbishop's return from France.

9. What does the First Priest compare the women of Canterbury to?
(a) Worms in the belly.
(b) Frogs in the treetops.
(c) Chickens in a coop.
(d) Horses in the stalls.

10. Who does Becket say saved him from the wrath of his enemies?
(a) The Pope.
(b) John, the Dean of Salisbury.
(c) The King of France.
(d) King Henry II.

11. Fill in the blank: "I leave you to the pleasure of your __________, Which will have to be paid for at ______________."
(a) piety; reckoning.
(b) lies; the end.
(c) life; your strife.
(d) higher vices; higher prices.

12. What important message does the Messenger convey to the Priests?
(a) The Pope has excommunicated the King
(b) The King has ordered the execution of Thomas Becket.
(c) The Archbishop has arrived at the city.
(d) The Archbishop has left France.

13. What does Beckett believe to be the last temptation and what he fears the most?
(a) Doing the thing you cannot do.
(b) Dying.
(c) Doing the wrong thing for the right reason.
(d) Doing the right deed for the wrong reason.

14. According to the Four Tempters, what is man's life?
(a) A cheat and a disappointment.
(b) A fleeting moment.
(c) An inconvenience to God.
(d) A viscious cycle.

15. What does the First Tempter tell Becket he remembers?
(a) The danger he is in.
(b) His loyalty to the king.
(c) The good time past.
(d) The hard times of the poor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the feeling of the general public in regard to the Archbishop's return?

2. What doesn't the Third Priest see in "the art of temporal government?"

3. How does Thomas Beckett's thought end?: "If the Archbishop cannot trust the Throne/ He has good cause to trust none but _____________"

4. What metaphor does the Third Priest use to compare the relationship between the King and the Archbishop?

5. What does the Third Tempter believe upon his arrival?

(see the answer keys)

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