Murder on the Orient Express Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 85 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Murder on the Orient Express Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 85 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Poirot most interested in at the beginning of this chapter?
(a) Dr. Constantine
(b) Miss Debenham
(c) Hildegarde Schmidt
(d) Unknown conductor

2. Poirot suspects the unknown conductor might also have the same identity as what other character?
(a) Princess Dragomiroff
(b) Count Andrenyi
(c) Pierre Michel
(d) The woman in the kimono

3. What did the Princess lie about?
(a) Being from Russia
(b) Having an affair with Ratchett
(c) Recognizing the Countess
(d) Not owning a red kimono

4. About what did Miss Debenham lie?
(a) Missing the train in Syria
(b) Recognizing the Countess
(c) Knowing Cassetti
(d) Her affair with Colonel Arbuthnot

5. How does Poirot categorize Miss Debenham?
(a) Passionate
(b) Distant
(c) Nervous
(d) Indignant

Short Answer Questions

1. Which group of men investigated the murder?

2. What topic does Miss Debenham find impertinent?

3. Poirot gives Michel a list of passengers and second list containing what?

4. Why does Constantine claim that the Princess could not have killed Ratchett?

5. What accusation does Poirot present to Miss Debenham?

Short Essay Questions

1. What item is found in Mrs. Hubbard's sponge bag?

2. How does Hildegard Schmidt determine the time of the murder?

3. What was Miss Debenham's reaction when Poirot asked if she was upset about Ratchett's death?

4. How does Poirot think the outcome would have changed if the police had been involved?

5. How does Dr. Constantine describe Miss Debenham?

6. What is the true identity of Miss Debenham?

7. What item convinces Bouc and Constantine that Poirot is on the right track?

8. What other thing did the Princess lie about to Poirot?

9. How does the Princess try to explain the monogram on the handkerchief.

10. Which of Poirot's questions trips up Miss Debenham?

(see the answer keys)

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