The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Poirot wants everyone at Fernly Park to meet where?
(a) At Fernly Park
(b) At James and Caroline's house
(c) At the Inn
(d) At Poirot's house

2. What does Poirot ask Caroline to find out about Ralph's shoes?
(a) Type
(b) Who else owns similar shoes
(c) Color
(d) Size

3. Where does Caroline think Ralph is?
(a) Winchester
(b) Manchester
(c) Cranchester
(d) Worcester

4. When they return from their walk, whom do Poirot and James find in James' house?
(a) Ursula
(b) Flora
(c) Parker
(d) Raymond

5. Caroline tells James that what event happened at Poirot's house today?
(a) There was an unusual noise.
(b) There was a fire.
(c) There was a male visitor.
(d) There was a female visitor.

6. James' secret is that he met Ralph after the murder and told him what, causing Ralph to leave?
(a) Ursula was a major suspect.
(b) Flora was a major suspect.
(c) Flora planned to marry someone else.
(d) Ralph was a major suspect.

7. Poirot theorizes that Blunt did not hear Mr. Ackroyd at 9:30 the night he died because it was actually what?
(a) Raymond
(b) Parker
(c) A message on the dictaphone
(d) James

8. In the start of Chapter Fourteen, the narrator tells the reader that after Monday night Poirot and whom went their separate ways?
(a) Caroline
(b) Raymond
(c) James
(d) Flora

9. Who walks into the meeting with a telegram?
(a) Mr. Hammond
(b) A young boy from town
(c) Caroline
(d) Poirot's maid

10. James seems unconcerned by Poirot's accusations and even does what during the exchange?
(a) Yawns
(b) Walks into the other room
(c) Accuses Poirot of the murder
(d) Calmly drinks tea

11. Poirot and James next go to confront whom?
(a) Charles Kent
(b) Parker
(c) Mrs. Ackroyd
(d) Miss Russell

12. Caroline sends James to give what to Poirot?
(a) A loaf of bread
(b) His hat that he left at their house
(c) A jar of jam
(d) A note

13. What sort of accent does Charles Kent have?
(a) American
(b) German
(c) French
(d) Irish

14. Ursula insisted on telling whom about the marriage, after she heard the announcement of Ralph and Flora's engagement?
(a) Mr. Ackroyd
(b) Flora
(c) Caroline
(d) Miss Russell

15. Flora confesses to what part of the mystery?
(a) Murdering her uncle
(b) Stealing the $40 from her uncle's room
(c) Knowing Ralph's whereabouts
(d) The blackmail

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Poirot eliminate Parker as the person who made the call?

2. The next morning, what happens?

3. Everyone enjoys guessing the meaning of what?

4. Caroline thinks that who might have secretly married Flora already?

5. What does Poirot show James an article about?

(see the answer keys)

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