The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To whom did Mr. Ackroyd leave 1,000 pounds in his will?
(a) Parker
(b) Flora
(c) Miss Russell
(d) Mrs. Ackroyd

2. In Chapter Four, James goes to whose house, where he meets Miss Russell?
(a) Mr. Ackroyd's
(b) Miss Russell's
(c) Mr. Potter's
(d) Mr. Poirot's

3. Why is Flora worried about Ralph?
(a) She saw him with a woman.
(b) She thinks the police suspect him.
(c) He is sick.
(d) She hasn't seen him for a week.

4. Why doesn't Inspector Raglan want Mr. Poirot to work on the case?
(a) Raglan doesn't like Mr. Poirot's general attitude.
(b) Raglan suspects Mr. Poirot in the murder.
(c) Raglan thinks it is too dangerous for a civilian.
(d) Raglan wants the glory of solving the case himself.

5. Poirot tells James what about people?
(a) They like to help each other.
(b) They are always honest.
(c) They don't always tell the truth.
(d) They are complicated.

6. What item was moved at the crime scene?
(a) A glass
(b) A chair
(c) A table
(d) A cabinet

7. Who is the last known person to see Mr. Ackroyd alive?
(a) Mrs. Ackroyd
(b) James
(c) Raymond
(d) Flora

8. Who becomes an immediate suspect due to his/her strange behavior?
(a) Parker
(b) James
(c) Blunt
(d) Flora

9. Who is Hector Blunt?
(a) A well-known hunter.
(b) An amateur writer.
(c) A well-known doctor.
(d) A farmer.

10. What is the Intelligence Corps?
(a) A military group
(b) A secret detective agency
(c) A group of people who gossip with John's sister
(d) A book discussion club

11. Even though Ralph always wanted money, who sticks up for him and says he is happy that Poirot is acting on Ralph's behalf?
(a) James
(b) Parker
(c) Hammond
(d) Blunt

12. How does Caroline think Mr. Ferrars died?
(a) He died of old age
(b) He died of heart failure
(c) Mrs. Ferrars poisoned him.
(d) He died in his sleep

13. Ralph was secretly speaking to whom?
(a) An unknown boy
(b) An unknown girl
(c) Mr. Poirot
(d) Miss Flora

14. Blunt notices something glimmering where?
(a) The path
(b) The bushes
(c) The pond
(d) Up a tree

15. Who introduces Blunt to Poirot?
(a) Flora
(b) James
(c) Ralph
(d) Raymond

Short Answer Questions

1. Who has become close friends with Mrs. Ferrars?

2. Who is waiting for James when he returns from rounds?

3. Caroline gives Poirot what?

4. Why doesn't James trust Caroline with information?

5. Who does James live with?

(see the answer keys)

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